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RE: We Found a Baby Today

in #animals6 years ago

She seems like a different kitten today ... just so much more vibrant and happy. So far so good with Buddy too; I've got to watch him though, but yesterday was all kinds of hissing and today he was licking her ears ... I think being kind and not tasting to see if he "likes" her haha


That's fun that you get to see her come back right before your eyes. Yes, hopefully Buddy isn't checking to see if she'd be good with some salt and pepper. Ack!

hahaha he's been pretty good, but a couple of times, it looks like he's going in for the kill! But, he let her gently shove him aside to get to his food, so I think he'll be like any big brother ... he may pick on her, but he'll be a great protector too :)

Nice! It's always a big question.

This has nothing to do with your post, but I figured this is the easiest way to send you a link to this song. I was just listening to it and it made me think of you and @briancourteau.

That's really cool! Thank you from both of us :) Do you speak Spanish? Where did you find that song??

I'm glad you liked the song! I'm listening to it again while I reply and it makes me smile. It's one of those songs that makes me want to dance. :)

I know a little bit of Spanish. I don't understand it very well, but I can speak a small amount.

My wife and I were watching New Girl and they played it at the end of one of the episodes. I liked it, so I looked it up!

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