Curly from the 3-stooges was an avid rescuer of dogs

in #animals3 years ago

The 3 stooges is a really timeless show and I challenge anyone to go back and watch some of the shorts and not get a laugh. Sure it was from the 30's and 40's and it was in black and white, but it was just so silly that it appealed to almost anyone that saw it. I think I speak for almost everyone when I say that "Curly" was the best of the bunch and without him the show wasn't nearly as funny.

Curly had a rather tragic life filled with illness but he was a massive dog-lover. He had multiple dogs and had a clause built into his contract that he would be allowed to bring his dogs on set during filming.


This love of dogs is common with a lot of people though and many of today's stars actually do the same thing in their contracts. Johnny Depp is renowned for flying his dogs around the world with him, one doing so in Australia without permission or going through the customs process and this got him in trouble and Australian authorities gave him and Amber 72 hours to get them out of the country or they would be euthanized. Obviously the now ex-couple complied.

Curly was cut from a completely different rock though and not only did he keep a bunch of his own dogs, but he was known to discover strays in his travels, befriend them, and then take them home with him where he would look after them until he could find them a home. Obviously, because he was one of the most famous people in America at the time, he was quite capable of finding homes for the animals.


Curly also made it a point that anywhere that he would visit either for business or pleasure, to rehome at least 1 stray in every single city he ever visited. While there are no official records of the figures, it is estimated that Curly was responsible for finding homes for over 5000 dogs in his lifetime.

Despite his stardom, Curly was actually quite introverted and preferred the company of his dogs to most people. Those that knew him said that the dogs that he kept were equally as protective of him and that many of the dogs on his property would bark at an snap at anyone who tried to get near Curly. I often wonder if dogs are able to read our minds and do things for us on our behalf and this makes me wonder if Curly was made uncomfortable by the visitors but was too much of a nice guy to ask the visitors to leave. I like to believe that the dogs could sense this and acted on his behalf.


What makes this story so amazing isn't that Curly was compassionate towards animals, but it was that he was so ahead of his time. These days in many developed countries there are programs in place for the protection of animals and globally there are thousands of organizations just like ours that are designed to help the stray dog population of our respective areas. In the early part of the 20th century, these programs for the most part didn't exist at all. The Animal Welfare act, which made cruelty to animals punishable by law in the United States, didn't even exist until 1966.

Curly is a bit of a hero in the animal rescue world and was probably instrumental in encouraging others to take on this "self-rewarding job" in their own lives as well. It is a true shame that he suffered such bad health and died at the young age of 48 in 1952.

As always I want to encourage everyone to adopt dogs and not buy them and to also contribute your time, money, or both to your local animal welfare or shelter.

If you would like to see how you can help out or simply spread the word, please visit our website at


Krabi Animal Welfare is a charity run entirely by volunteers and are a registered non-profit organization in Thailand and the U.K.. We aim to relieve the pain and suffering of dogs and cats within Krabi Province.


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