Dipshit Democracy; I got bit by a Copperhead today!

in #animals6 years ago (edited)

copperhead 2.jpg
Source: @papa-pepper

First off let me say that I do not have any pictures of the actual snake that bit me. And NO, I didn't kill the dang thing! Special thanks to @papa-pepper for letting me use his picture above and encouraging me to tell this story of what happened today.

Now I know what you are thinking...

Moron! You had to go out and mess with that shit so you deserved it!

Yeah that may be true and I'm not going to argue with you. I accept full responsibility for my actions. Especially when it comes to being dumb enough to mess with venomous snakes.

I'm not perfect. This snake bite incident is proof that I'm not perfect. And before you start leaving your dramatic comments wondering if I am alright, let me be the first to tell you that I am fine. In fact, I never felt better! The snake bite felt like a wasp or hornet sting. My finger that was bitten swelled up and got all red, puffy, and ugly looking. See for yourself...

This picture was this morning shortly after being bitten.

This is what my finger looks like now as of just a little bit ago before making this post. Sorry, I had a long day today and am just getting home.

I know this may not look like a snake bite but believe me it is HA HA.

I got up this morning at the crack of dawn so I could go to town to help out at this place called Life Source, a local food pantry. Here is an old blog from a couple of weeks ago volunteering at this place...

Anyways, it was a little after 7am this morning when my wife @bridgetmartin and I left for town. Not far down the road from our home, Bridget stops the car and says she saw a snake back there. So all excited I get out to go catch it like an idiot. I didn't even know what kind of snake it was because I didn't see it. She did! So I didn't know that it was a Copperhead till I got out and went back and saw it. Bridget thought that I was just going to take pictures. Well she thought wrong LOL.

He was a little guy. Maybe a foot and half long or so. He had a small head and a fat little Copperhead body. His head must have been about the size of a Nickle. Feeling rushed because we had to get to town I had no time to take pictures. Shortly after stopping, one of our neighbors was coming up the road in the other direction. So I had to act fast.

I pinned the snakes head with my shoe stepping on its head (not smashing it). When I went to pick up the snake I saw that I had just the neck pinned and his head was still free a little. While trying to maneuver my hand so I could get the snake's head, it managed to swing its head back just enough to nip the index finger on my left hand with only one of its fangs.

Oh it hurt alright!!! Snake bites usually do LOL. Copperhead bites are NOT fatal. Being only a Copperhead I didn't freak out or nothing but Bridget sure did when I got back in the car. Of course after being bit I was able to pin its head and successfully catch him and throw him off the side of the road into the bushes setting it free. I was like, "It's a Copperhead!" And then got back in the car.

Bridget of course was freaking out wanting to take me to the emergency room. I'm all like, "I'm fine! Feels like a bee sting LOL." She was like, "Never again! Shaking her head at me. Never again will I ever stop for another snake." She says I've lost my poisonous snake privileges. Sigh Oh well :-(.

Besides that I'm still fine. I did NOT seek ANY medical help. The rest of my day went rather well. I made it to Life Source and volunteered till noon helping hand out food to those in need all morning long just fine. Then I went and hung out with some friends til Bridget got off of work. We did our usual grocery shopping and that was about it. I came home, took some Ibuprofen, took these pictures, and applied some Oil of Oregano on my finger. As of right now, the swelling in my finger has gone down and it doesn't even hurt. It is just red and ugly looking around the bite. That's about it.

As always I'm Theo aka Rainbow Man and here is the PROOF!
Proof of dipshit dumb enough to mess with a Copperhead!

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Dude! 🙅‍♀️ You can’t hug it; and pet it; and name it George! Glad you’re alright!

You Can pet it, if you use a baseball bat! :)

The very best tool for side of the road, poison snake encounters! :)

Poor snake..... Man, why you got to be mean to the snake and stick your finger in its mouth. It'll take weeks to get rid of that taste.... lol

Glad you're alright though. You probably saved yourself from the hospital trip by not panicking. Working at the hospital I saw a dude who got bit on his ankle, he freaked which just helped to spread the poison, he swelled almost to his knee.

Keeping a cool head is important in all first aid situations; *
but especially when you need to slow poison down!!!* :'(

I guess it helps not having any fear of snakes. My hand did swell a little but not for long. The swelling is all gone now but the bite is still red and nasty. I didn't lose any feeling in my finger the entire time. It just swelled. Copperhead bites don't got shit on me LOL.

Now had this been a rattlesnake, that would of been a different story.

LOL - I love it!

YOU Definitely loose your poison snake privileges! BAD DOG! >:(

Now, do you have any comfrey or plantain? YOU need a poultice to draw out the poison. Some colloidal silver will help you avoid secondary infections. :)

That’s a good tip, the plantain grows almost every where.
But I am sure he ha been bit before but hasn’t told his wife.

Actually no, this believe it or not is my first venomous snake bite LOL. Leave it to being rushed early in the morning on the road before work rolls eyes.

Colloidal Silver, thanks for the tip! I'm going to use some of this! So far the oregano oil is working pretty well. Grandma cured herself from a Brown Recluse bite using oregano oil.

Yes oregano oil is good to have handy, and is a vulnerary! It is a good add for a first aid kit:

Some herbals are in a class called vulneraries; these herbs accelerates healing, by causing cell proliferation. Comfrey is the most powerful vulnerary in the herbal inventory. If you have it, use it on that bite. If not, Plantain is a weaker sister, but still good to poultice snake bites.

Get to feeling better! :(

Dipshit to get Copperhead bitten. sorry bro, but I still got you beaten in the Dipshit category, but to find out how you have to beat me first. lol

Sounds like you should make a Dipshit Democracy blog about it HA HA!

You should make this an entry into @comedyopenmic ^^
Ever heard of Steve Irwin?

Howdy Bob! Yes I remember Steve. Sad when he died. I used to love the Crocodile Hunter! You really think this was funny for Comedy Open Mic? I wasn't trying to be funny with this blog LOL. Or else I would of used one of these comedy hastags. I'll be honest Bob, I quit COM. I'm way too radical for those guys. Like, I'm trying to start a revolution with my comedy and shit.

I guess my point is, that when I see a snake, the last thing that goes through my mind is, "Oh look! There's a snake, let's go catch it" HAHA

hey Wildman! glad that you're okay. so Copperhead bites aren't that serious huh? what if it would have been a rattler?
hey that was great of you to continue on with your mission to help with the food operation, great job on that!

I just sat down with him for a minute in real life. He says a rattler would have been worse!

I see, well.. can you ignore a rattler bite like he did with the Copperhead?

Thanks Jonboy! Had it been a rattlesnake I more than likely would of gone to the ER.

oh ok, your significant would have forced you to I bet even if you tried to change your mind. In other words I haven't looked it up but obviously the rattler bite is stronger venom.


Thanks Papa Pepper! I had so much fun meeting you and your little peppers today.

Oh yeah! Monster Truck has been calling you "Mr. Gun." LOL!


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