The Story of my 7 pets ^^

in #animals7 years ago

Hey everyone! :D

In my last post I told you that I have a lot of pets. A lot of people have pets who they love, so do I. But not every pet has a happy past, a few of mine are a perfect example.

So… I would like to tell you the story of my lovely pets, who maybe didn’t have a happy past but definitively will have a happy ending.

I have always had pets growing up: cats, dogs, bunny’s, chickens, guinea pig’s,
fiches and even sheep’s, goats and a deer.

Now, I’m going to tell you the story about my pest who are happy at my house now :D

  • Cara
    Cara is a Podenco (Is it different in English?), she’s a girl. We don’t know how old she is at the moment. Cara was born in Spain, her owner was a hunter. But at some point he got sick of her, he didn’t need her anymore (probably because she’s a bit clumsy). So she got dumped on the street. She has been a street dog for years. Until, one day, she got captured. She was just a street dog, trying to survive. But then, she was in a shelter. But not the good kind of shelter. It was a shelter that captures dogs and kills them. It makes me sad to think she was ever in that place. Someday, people came to the shelter. These people work for ACE (Animal care Espana). They go to the shelters and try to save as many dogs as possible. This time there was a volunteer from Belgium. And when he saw Cara, he decided to take her home. They became het foster family. She was living with the man, his wife and 2 other dogs and cat. My dad has always wanted a dog… and he decided to adopt one. We looked at the site of ACE, that’s where we found Cara. Cara has been living with us for 4 years I think. She’s getting old, doesn’t hear that great and is a bit clumsy but we love her so much! She’s where she needs to be, safe with us.

  • Lapke
    Lapke is a ‘lapjeskat’ (this is how we call it in Belgium). That’s why she’s named ‘lapke’. My sister was still little when we got her, that’s why my mom wanted an easy name. Lapke comes from the shelter nearby. She was brought in with her ‘sister’ (not blood related sisters). One day my dad said to us that we were going to get a cat in the shelter as surprise for my mom. Her sister was already adopted so we only could take lapke. She really likes to cuddle, sleep in the bed with me and I love her so much. But she can be very mad to. My parents are divorced now, so I’m nog always there. Every time I come back, she’s mad at first, but I don’t mind because she’s too cute :p

  • Marieke
    then we have Marieke. Marieke is a cross, as you can see her mother was a Jack Russel. Marieke is a very happy and wild dog (always to exited). Her past isn’t bad but it’s just because she doesn’t know what her owner wanted to do. Her owners had 2 Jack Russel’s, they always sold the puppies. But then the daughter moved back home with her male dog. This lead to puppies…. The owners weren’t very happy because now they had crosses so they couldn’t sell them. That’s why she wanted to drown them after being born. Luckily, a lot of people in the neighbourhood said they wanted one. Because no one wanted that she would kill them. So we ended up with Marieke (my sister picked the name). she’s always happy, sometimes to happy. And is a spoiled little dog with a perfect life.

  • Lotje
    Lotje is mine. Her story starts in the same shelter as Lapke. My grandmother was a bit lonely so she decided to adopt a cat. I could come with her to the shelter to pick one. There was Lotje, she was still little and cute. So we decided to adopt her. But the house of my grandmother is a typical ‘grandparents house’ (little statues everywhere). So some off the stuff broke… but it’s a kitten you know, this happens. But my grandmother wasn’t very happy about that. So after a few weeks she decided to take her back. But at that time, I loved Lotje already. And you never bring a animal back to the shelter. So I begged my dad for days to let her live with us. At a point he said it was fine. And ever sinds, Lotje is living with us. Lotje is not a cuddle cat, but when I’m home she’s happy. I even find it funny that she listens to me, only me. But even when I can’t really cuddle her so much, she stole my heart.

  • Manoli
    Then there is our dog Manoli. My dad decided to go on vacation with us to Spain. But not just anywhere, we went to Malaga. When we were there we wanted to see she shelter (ACE) who saved our dog Cara. There were so many dogs and all wanted to cuddle. So I cuddled all the hundreds of dogs. We were there for a week, I went 4 times to the shelter to cuddle with the dogs. That week my dad started to think about adopting another one (believe me, you can’t leave without saving a dog). There were so many dogs, but a lot were reserved (happy for those dogs!). Then my dad found Manoli, so we decided to take her with us. Manoli had been more than a year in the shelter in a cage. It all went great until we came home, Manoli attacked Cara all the time. We didn’t know what to do. Believe it or not but we called a dog whisperer, she came by and helped us. She said that the dogs should be happy to be here. She also said that Cara was spoiled too much. So we started to have new rules. Now, Manoli is still here with us, she likes to play and cuddle. Sometimes she still growls at Cara but she doesn’t attack her anymore. And when Cara went to the vet for 2 days, Manoli missed her very much. So they became sisters.

  • Swieber
    Then we have Swieber, He’s the only male pet we have. For some kind of reason I only had girls growing up. Swieber is also mine. I told you that I’m still going to school to become a kinder garden teacher. When I had my internship, I needed a bunny. Problem: I didn’t have one. So… I started looking for a bunny. First, I didn’t wanted a boy because I was used to having girl pets. But when I saw Swieber, I fell in love. So I bought Swieber, my cute bunny. Then I had to find a name, a name that is easy and fun for little children (because I wanted to take him to kinder garden with me). So I called him Swieber. It’s not just a name, he’s called after Swiper from Dora (The explorer). Here, in Belgium, Swiper is called Swieber. I loved letting him free in the house (when Cara and Manoli weren’t at home). Lotje didn’t do anything to Swieber so they would sit together. Now Swieber has his own place in the garden where he lives with the chickens. He likes to cuddle, run around and eat.

  • Pommie
    This is my Sisters cat. She comes from a friend. She lives at my mother’s house so I don’t see her that much. I can say about her that she’s weird and likes to bite me. She also likes to play with Marieke. Marieke is a little bit her mother. In the beginning Marieke and Lapke were afraid of her. I didn’t really like her because she terrorized the house but now everyone is at peace. I think she’s still a bit weird but she can be very sweet too ;)

Soo… This are my pets and there past. I know some are a little sad but now they are ok. We give them a lot of love and they are very happy. They found there happy ending :D

Thanks for reading! Can’t wait to read all of your posts! ^^


Very sweet! I only have one dog, but I love her to pieces. Great post. Following....

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