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RE: Gippsland Water Dragon: Physignathus lesueurii howittii

in #animals7 years ago

Traditional editing is not even an option :-D. That would quite literally require me going into photography full time. Overall I guess I just prefer taking pictures than mucking about with them afterwards.
As far as colour correction goes I usually just stick to filters, possibly adjusting WB on a digital camera now and again. I have to say that Fuji does an excellent job of colour rendition and I have been quite pleased with the different film simulations for my very limited digital photography needs.

The 6x6 format is something that's really churning through my brain again. I have to admit that I'm a total gear nut. I just love sorting out all the equipment, laying out what I need and packing it all as efficiently as possible. I'm also a total sucker for researching my purchases. I will spend hours mulling over the pros and cons of various choices. Sadly money doesn't grow on trees, or I would spend all day planning purchases and buying stuff.


Editing 100s of photos is a breeze with my laptop and less of a pain than taking the film down to the shop and simply paying someone to do it. However, I used to do CGI and enjoy spending time clicking around to get a look I like.

I used to love looking at gear but I think that phase is over. I might upgrade my digital when I've go the cash to spare. Lately using the entry level body and lens and really fine-tuning the approach I take has proved to be fruitful. I wouldn't mind on of those wooden large format cameras to play around with from time to time. Maybe in the future large format digital will become a proper thing instead of being so difficult and expensive to buy in to.

If you're coming from CGI then you totally have the patience to do photo editing. I guess it's pretty much child's play for you then. I don't think it's really necessary to always own top of the line equipment. When I bought my XT-10 I could have gone for the XT-1 but deemed it unnecessary for my personal needs and preferred saving a bit of money. That was an absolutely perfect decision, don't regret it one bit. It's probably wiser to buy entry/intermediate equipment more regularly than always pay the premium for top of the range.
Large format is another one of those big dreams...the Zone VI is incredible, but ultimately I would probably spend far too little time actually using it to justify the price.
I didn't know large format digital was a thing? Even medium format digital costs the equivalent of a car, so I cannot imagine what large format would cost.

Yeah that was a dream that died because of all the time it consumes :( Sometimes I dust off Cinema 4D and have a crack but only if I'm feeling especially motivated.

Yes I agree my D3300 is basic but I love it. I have to work around its technical constraints that might not be there with a more expensive system.

Oh yeah digital large format is a thing the Sinar company produces digital backs for larger format cameras but as you can imagine they're expensive to say the least.

I really would like to get a good travel system that's light and doesn't have too many extra lens - like maybe a portrait and a wide lens would be enough for me.

PS The Philosophy of the Image debate is now live :) Check it out and let me know what you think. I started really general just to get the ball rolling:

Time, the omnipresent constraint in life ;-).
I think it's great to work within the constraints of what you have. Buying your way to the top is easy. Anyone can simply pay for all the equipment to take the best images, but it takes talent to make use of what you have. I believe digitalrevtv on Youtube had a series where they took professional photographers and gave them rubbish to work with and the result was often quite incredible.
I wonder how much digital large format would cost? It must be hundreds of thousands, simply judging by what medium format digital costs.
For travel, I often like to take some really simple stuff, often even just a basic kit lens with a wide zoom range. If I want more varied equipment the most I'll take is 28mm, 50mm and either 80-200 or 135mm. To me those four lenses cover almost everything one would want to photograph. Since the Fuji XT-10 has about a 1.5x crop factor I'll often just take the 28mm and 50mm (when going purely digital) giving me a 42 and 75mm equivalent, which leaves very little to be desired.
I resteemed your philosophy post and will be writing my response soon.
I'm really enjoying how this conversation has been progressing. A really fruitful exchange!

I think the skills of the artist shine through regardless of the medium used to focus their vision.

I'm not sure of the price but I wouldn't be surprised if you were right! Their system might not compare to say Hasselblad's medium format in terms of pixels but the quality would be competitive and plus their's is a bellows system in the large format style so it would be quite different than the SLR. I'm inexperienced with these cameras and would love to find some working photographers who use them.

If I have some money to throw around I would love a Red video camera system to attach to a drone and do lovely aerials like the new opening shot on Lynch's Twin Peaks.

Yeah one of those expensive lens that do 20-70 or something would be fantastic for traveling along with a rangefinder. I tried my friend's Leica and was impressed once I switched it to manual. 0.3m minimum focus distance is awesome even if you cannot change the lens.

Awesome stuff thanks for that! I should have wrote that in the rules as well :) Definitely! I hope our words have inspired others :)