Magic Memories of Melon

in #animals6 years ago

Ginger Melon MP came into our lives just under ten years ago. Her arrival was entirely The Husband’s fault. We had to collect medication for another feline; I sat in the car and waited. When he emerged from the vet’s I was summoned.     

“Come! You have to see these…”   

In the rooms there was a litter of four ginger kittens. They must have been all of four days old; two males and two females. So young that most still had kinks in their tails that had to unfurl as they grew. Sitting slightly apart from her siblings was a female with the sweetest, sad little face. Already she had been named “Melancholy”. Melon for short.   

“No, we can’t get a kitten. Not until Tasha’s gone. She won’t cope”. At that point, Tasha, our Pavement Persian was about seventeen.

Well, that was an entirely futile argument. As soon as we reached home I was on the phone, “Melon has a home.”   

Then we had to wait: they were still being mothered – by humans – bottle-fed, cleaned and cared for and certainly couldn’t come home. Oh, we were welcome to visit – which we did until the appointed day arrived, about three or so weeks later.   

In December 2008, and Melon came home – the end of a journey from a box picked up on the side of a highway in Mitchell’s Plain, a suburb in Cape Town. 

She arrived complete with a starter pack, the best part of which, for her, was the box. She spent a lot of her time in boxes – when she wasn’t climbing on to things. She was very much an “up” cat and independent and fearless. She soon discovered how to fly the coop and in the early days we spent a great deal of time looking for her. 

When we found her, she was either blissfully ignorant of the commotion or would look at us, quizzically. She could only be saying, “I’m fine, what are you worried about?”   

Well, one of our concerns was that “Kilroy” would disappear behind one of those cushions – with the direst of consequences. 

 The staff at the vet were kept up to date with Melon’s childhood antics and asked to enter into her into a competition. Lo and behold, she won! 

The only beauty queen in this family!   As she grew up, she spent a great deal of time supervising The Cat’s Mother at work, and although a prodigious hunter of birds, and not for lack of trying, she never managed to catch a squirrel. 

Over the ensuing few years and the move to McGregor which was fantastic for a cat that had been abandoned on the side of the road and who actually hated being indoors and loved the outdoors and to be able to range. 

 Yesterday, Melon and the magic she brought to our lives left us. After the storm last week, she was not much around – as was her wont. 

When, however, we did find her, she was not herself. On Sunday evening, during Sunday Supper service, she slunk in through the cat flap and headed upstairs. When we went to bed, we had a conversation with her and said good night. She wasn’t well.   On Monday morning she was worse, not helped by the Cat’s Mother having tripped over her during the night. Unusual because she’d normally have moved out of the way. More unusual because she cried – in pain. She was lying in the second to top step on the stairs. Not interested in the world. Her very talkative, squirrel tail was still.   

Off to Mrs Vet. 

Tentative diagnosis: “She’s injured – either knocked by someone or something. Probably nothing broken, but we’ll give her painkillers and keep her overnight. No improvement in the morning, and we’ll have to give her an anaesthetic and do an X-ray.”   

Yesterday morning, the phone rang. “Melon is not at all well.”   Permission to X-ray was granted.   Not perhaps an hour later. The phone rang again. 

“Please hold on, Mrs Vet would like to speak to you.”   

“Melon has advanced lymph cancer. The knock she took accelerated it. The kindest thing to do is to let her go.”  

So, Melon, with her magic now rests under a tree in the garden, along with two of her sisters. Their stories another time.   She, and her magic live on in our memories, especially of her in her tree. 

Post script:
Pearli’s Pickles resume next week.  

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Animation By @zord189


I am so sorry about the loss Fiona. Hugs to you.

awww @fionasfavourites, I am so very sorry! There are no words except to say that I understand the loss and pain that goes with losing a pet too soon. Sending lots of love your way <3

Ah, thanks so much @lynncoyle1 - when it's an animal one feels a bit of a fraud... It does help that other animal lovers understand. Thanks for that xx

I understand what you mean! I grew up with dogs and cats, but my family had a 'no animals in the house' rule. I on the other hand, have always slept with my pets haha. They never were too supportive when one of my animals passed. But coming from this animal lover, you are anything but a fraud. People who don't like animals, I see as a big character flaw :)

@lynncoyle1 oh, I so get you. A house without a pet is not a home! Unless there is VERY good reason. With it's being winter here, the remaining two are, at different points in the night, in bed with me. Melon, when it was very cold, would sleep on my pillow...

awwww @fionasfavourites, my son's cat used to do that with me all of the time...I still miss it ❤️

So sorry to hear and read about this. It's just awful when we loose our fur babies. I lost my Tofu in a similar way two years ago and I still miss him greeting me in the driveway every day. Sending lots of hugs and love your way.

@jusipassetti thank you so much. It's a week tomorrow and it feels a bit weird.

Saying goodbye to our furball baby is one of the hardest thing to do. Her tail was amazing. Sorry for your loss @fionasfavourites

@kneelyrac she did have the most amazing and communicative tail 😀

that is so sad, our furry friends bring so much joy to our lives that its hard to say goodbye. But they are always with us in spirit.

They are, indeed, and harder when you don't really get to say goodbye and then they're gone. Funnily enough, I dreamed about her last night.

Losing a furry loved one has got to be one of the hardest things. I am so sorry for your loss @fionasfavourites :(

Thanks, @jaynielea

She was gorgeous.
So sorry for your loss @fionasfavourites 💗

She was magnificent. And she knew it. Thanks so much @kaerpediem

Awe I am so sorry to hear about your kitty, it's never easy saying goodbye to a fur baby. May she rest well now xx

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