Facinating animals- The Eagle

in #animals7 years ago (edited)

How is the eagle - Definition

If there is something that characterizes the eagle, it is the great strength that its muscles provide, its excellent vision and the enormous speed it manages to reach flying.

They have a powerful peak that is curved and sharp at the tip, but straight at its base. In this way they can crush and tear the meat with which it feeds.

The talons of the eagles are among the most powerful that exist in nature. With them they not only manage to cause serious damage to their prey, but they can grab them and take flight.


Among the qualities of the eagle we find the vision of these birds of prey is extraordinary. Their eyes are somewhat larger than those of humans, but instead, they can see almost 4 times more and better. They can see a moving dam 2 kilometers away.

The eagles are birds of prey of great size and heavy beak and head. In all types of eagle, the females are larger than the males.

Eagles are animals that keep their partner. That is, year after year they stay together. Similarly, they return to their nest each season.

In the wild, life expectancy is about 10 years. But if the eagle is raised in captivity, being well cared for and fed, they have lived more than 45 years.

To fully understand the true nature of many animals, it is not enough to observe them in the zoo or in the pages of an illustrated book.

A somnolent lion in a cage is something very different from a lion impetuously thrown hunting after a herd of antelopes. No representation can give an idea of the agility of a squirrel, the speed of a jaguar or the enormous strength of an elephant.


The same can be said for eagles. Seen in the engravings of the books, they look like birds with evil eyes; in the zoo they look like a lot of disheveled feathers.

But if you are lucky enough to contemplate them in flight from the top of a mountain, you can not forget the spectacle and you will always imagine the eagle as a perfect and majestic animal.

The eagle, whose span with open wings is greater than two meters, when it flies keeps them extended, almost immobile and stiff to enjoy as candles the force of the wind.

With slight and imperceptible movements of the tail and the wings themselves, the eagle glides (like the storks), ascends, descends, follows invisible air currents and, if it sees a prey, plunges over it infallibly.

Types of eagles

There are many kinds, species or types of eagles, of which the best known are the golden eagle and the bald eagle. But let's see a short description of the main ones:

Golden Eagle


(Aquila chrysaetos). It belongs to the family of Accipitridae, like the rest. As we have commented, the golden eagle is one of the most popular birds of prey and recognized in virtually the entire world. In fact, it is part of the coat of arms of the Mexican flag, where it is represented as hunting a snake.

Its presence is quite widespread, although it has been forced to abandon some of its ancient natural habitats by the presence of man.

Currently, they can be found in North America, Eurasia and some isolated areas of Africa.

Bald eagle


(Haliaeetus leucocephalus). The bald eagle is perhaps the most mediatic of these birds. This is because in the US It is taken as an icon of freedom and strength. It is practically a national symbol in that country. It is easy to see your drawing or photograph combined with the American flag.

It is a kind of eagle whose flight is one of the most beautiful and majestic to contemplate. It is easily recognizable by having a white neck and head that contrasts with its yellow bill.

Imperial Eagle


There are two distinct types: the Iberian imperial eagle (Aquila adalberti) found in Portugal, Spain and certain parts of Morocco; and the eastern imperial eagle (Aquila heliaca) that inhabits most of Asia, eastern Europe; and also when they emigrate in East Africa.

The plumage of the Iberian imperial eagle is very dark brown, except in the upper part of the wing (some white feathers) and the shoulders (light brown and white). The tail is of blackish feathers. The females weigh about 3 kilos and the males weigh about 2.5 kg. Almost 2 meters between the tips of the wings and 80 centimeters between beak and tail. Their life expectancy is 20 years on average, but they have been found with more than 25 years in the wild and more than 40 years in captivity.

The eastern imperial eagle is very similar to the golden eagle, but is of a somewhat smaller size: 2 meters between the wings 80 centimeters between the tail and the beak. The females weigh about 4.5 kg and the males about 2.5 kilos. Its feathers are dark brown except for the tip of the tail (black) and the shoulders (white). It is a booted eagle, that is, with feathers is its legs.

Harpy eagle

(Harpia harpyja) The harpy eagle is considered a neo-tropical species. In some countries it is called American harpy eagle. This is so to clearly differentiate it from the Papua eagle, which in some areas is known as the Papuan harpy eagle or New Guinea eagle.

It is the largest bird of prey in all of America. Its main differential feature is that its head is crowned by a double crest formed by feathers.

Crowned eagle

(Stephanoaetus coronatus). The crowned eagle is a type of raptor that lives mainly in sub-Saharan Africa. That is, in the countries south of the Sahara desert.

It is also known by the name of falcon-eagle or crowned African eagle. Despite being an animal somewhat smaller than other specimens of his family, its size does not deceive you. It is considered a tremendously fierce and strong eagle.

Wedge tailed eagle

(Eagle audax). The wedge-tailed eagle is one of the largest raptors that can be found on the entire planet. It is really surprising.

To give you a slight idea of its dimensions, you should know that it can have a wingspan with wings spread out almost 2 meters and a half, and a length of just over one meter.

Its original natural habitat is found mainly in Australia and New Guinea. The color of its plumage is dark brown almost black.

White-tailed Eagle

(Haliaeetus albicilla). The white-tailed eagle is also known or is known in some countries as white-tailed sea eagle or sea eagle.

One of its main characteristics is that its wings are somewhat larger than that of the rest of the eagles. It inhabits northern Asia and northern Europe.

Its feathers are dark brown and black, except in its tail, which are naturally white.

Philippine Eagle

(Pithecophaga jefferyi). The Philippine eagle is the largest eagle in the world. A little more than two meters between the tips of the open wings and up to 110 centimeters in length. It is part of the Accipitridae family and lives in the lush forests of the Philippines.

It is in danger of extinction since it has been the victim of the massive destruction of its natural habitat. It has a crest that resembles the mane of a lion. This "crest" is created by brown plumage of various shades.

Martial Eagle

(Polemaetus bellicosus). The martial eagle is a large bird but smaller than most eagles. Its habitat is found in sub-Saharan Africa, as is the crowned eagle.

The color of its plumage is gray and brown and a little lighter at the tip. Its legs and abdomen are characteristic for its light color with small dark spots.

It has muscular and strong legs, accompanied by very effective claws.

Steller's marine eagle

(Haliaeetus pelagicus). The Steller's sea eagle is also known in some areas as Steller's Pigargo or giant pigardo. Its natural habitat is found mainly in the northern and northeastern areas of Asia.

Its diet is not very varied and is based, mainly, on the ingestion of fish of almost every type. For this reason, he lives and is usually found very close to the maritime coasts.

The family of the eagles

So far we have talked about eagles. Let's lengthen the chapter and dedicate ourselves to the great family of birds to which the eagle belongs: raptors or birds of prey.

There are about 290 different species, among which we will mention the buzzard, the hawk, the goshawk, the condor, the harrier, the hawk, the vulture, the kite, the kestrel and the merlin.

All these species of birds have common characteristics: the fact of obtaining their nutrition from hunting, the most intense sight, the curved beak and the sharp and powerful claws.

The raptors, in addition, are exceptional flying: the eagles rub the 200 kilometers per hour, and the falcons in chopped overcome 300.

In the following video you can see more images of the most known types of eagles:

What eagles eat

Just as there is a wide variety of these predatory birds, there is also a great diversity in eagle feeding. Therefore, it is not possible to define a single type of food for these animals. For this reason, to know what the eagles eat, 3 main groups have been created according to their diet.

But in general, it can be said that eagles eat fish, birds, small mammals, rodents, reptiles, rabbits and snakes. But as you will see below there are many more.

On the other hand, you should know that eagles are at the top of the food chain. This means that they do not have practically predators or enemies that can eat it. Only other eagles, certain types of hawks and some climbing snakes that climb trees to eat eggs or newborn babies.

Diet of the Harpies eagles

The birds belonging to this group mainly eat opossums, monkeys (capuchin, howler monkey, saki or spider monkey) and sloths. But they do not refuse to feed on small birds, lizards, owls, snakes, lizards, squirrels, porcupines, anteaters or flying lemurs.

They prefer to hunt in the thickness of the jungle. That is why its preferred habitat is the tropical jungles of southwestern Mexico, northern Argentina, Venezuela and southern Brazil.

Within this group there are 6 different types: the crowned eagle, the eagles of the Philippines, the solitary eagle, the New Guinea eagle, the harpy eagle and the crested eagle. These species of raptors are characterized by having a kind of crest formed by feathers

Feeding the Ospreys

As their own name indicates, these predatory birds have the fish they fish as the main element of their diet. But they can also feed on other small birds, carrion (dead animals) or rodents.

Within this group we find species such as the bald eagle. Among many of his tactics, surprising one is to let another bird catch a fish to later attack and remove it. Other types of raptors that are included in this group are the African Osprey, the Osprey of Standford or the White-tailed Eagle.

What the snake eagles eat

The predatory birds of this group have serpents as their main food. This type of eagle has a large variety of snakes to hunt, since they usually live in the savannahs and jungles of Asia, Europe, Australia and Africa.

But remember, not only these reptiles feed. They can eat carrion or other small reptiles and mammals. The eagle Bateleur or volatinera, is one of the best known of this group, followed by the popular shaggy short eagle.

Eagles with varied diet

As you have seen, in each of these 3 groups, there is a type of main food. But eagles, if necessary, have a more varied diet. Let's see the most popular:

¿ What do bald eagles eat ?

These birds of prey like to feed basically on fish such as trout or salmon. But in the cold months they usually consume carrion they find. Bald eagles have the ability to eat the flesh of large dead mammals in a very short time.

They also hunt and eat animals such as rabbits, beavers, raccoons, hares, small deer, musk mice, lizards and rabbits. Due to the influence of man, he has adapted and can also eat remains found in garbage dumps.

What the eagle eats

Maybe we are before the eagle with the most varied diet that exists. The golden eagle can feed on more than 190 types of mammals. Naturally, it will hunt and eat the prey of which it has greater availability and ease to access them.

Among many others, eat animals such as goats, sheep, mice, rabbits, deer, marmots, hares, squirrels, foxes, shrews, antelopes and even the offspring of other types of eagles.

What the white-tailed eagle eats

Your diet changes depending on the time of year. Like other birds of prey, they eat the most accessible prey. In this case the white-tailed eagles eat fish, birds and mammals.

These birds of prey are also scavengers, that is, they feed on dead animals such as seagulls, otters, pieces of livestock or the carcasses of other birds. In the colder months, carrion is the main basis of your diet.

What the imperial eagle eats

The Eastern Imperial eagle has as favorite prey are the squirrels and rodents of the family of the taltuzas. But if it is appropriate, eat other rodents, small birds, or foxes.

The Iberian Imperial eagle eats small rodents, pigeons, hares, foxes or crows. Usually hunting alone and also as a couple. If necessary, carrion is also an option in your diet.

Where the eagle lives

The eagles live in Europe, Asia, North Africa and part of South America. If you have to describe the areas where the eagle lives, these would be land such as mountains, rocky areas, forests, meadows, deserts and high rivers.

Most of the almost seventy species of eagle exist in Africa and Eurasia. In the rest of the world, there are only 11 species distributed as follows:

9 species inhabit South America and Central America
3 species in Australia.
2 species live in Canada and the United States
The nests of the eagles are formed by a large number of branches and sticks lined internally by softer materials. These nests are repaired and reconditioned each year, adding new sticks and branches. Sometimes they become a structure that weighs more than a ton (1,000 kilograms).

As a curiosity, the largest nest that has been found, was more than three meters in diameter and weighed more than 2 tons.

Relationship of the eagle and the man

The eagle, like many other animals, is unjustly hated and persecuted by man. It is considered harmful, is accused of killing useful animals and, for centuries, appears in the fables its habit of assaulting the shepherds and stealing their sheep.

It is a big mistake, because these birds, as the naturalists have shown, are not harmful, but quite the opposite.

To begin with, the eagle fears man and for no reason dares to attack him. In the second place, the eagle weighs a maximum of eight kilos and is unable to hold a weight higher than his weight in flight.

We have said that eagles are useful animals. Indeed, in addition to destroying huge quantities of dangerous reptiles, they preserve the natural environment clean and contribute, albeit indirectly, to maintaining the good health of many species of animals.

The eagles devour the carrion of dead animals, which could infect the places where it is found, and also, killing the sick or weakly constituted animals, prevent the contagion to their congeners, avoiding at the same time that they breed similarly weak offspring ( let's not forget that in the world of nature there are no doctors).



awesome article, I love eagles :D

thanks friend for your comment, I hope for your vote, greetings

you're welcome, sorry I thought I had upvoted the article before!
I'll be sure to check out your other stuff too :)

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