RE: HOPE and FEAR! Trying to find a way through the storm...
Hi, Rose,
I understand completely, struggling myself! :) No apology necessary!
I will gladly teach you a little here, and will be glad to answer your questions. I admire and appreciate your homesteading lifestyle, and only wish that I had the resources to "change over" to such myself... If I kept animals, I would be sure they had silver water as part of their regular diet. We do have a puppy dog, and not long ago she had either a bad tooth or bad sore in her mouth. It was so bad, she wouldn't even eat, other than some soup my wife gave her. I put her on silver water, and within a few days she was eating and chewing again.
Please check this page and this illustration for the "basics."
That is the basic circuit - a power source, a resistor, and some silver. In place of the silver wires, you may want to just get two silver rounds or medallions from a local coin shop. You will also want to add an inexpensive aquarium bubbler pump to stir the water while this is operating, and a timer to shut it off after about three hours.
If you have any old car, truck, or tractor batteries around, and the ability to recharge them and monitor their voltage, two of them in series would be a much more economic replacement for the three 9V batteries in the illustration. You could also use any DC (direct current) power supply in the ~24 volt range.
Those things together will be the rough equivalent of what you would pay this website $250 plus shipping to get. If you are a frugal homesteader who repurposes things, you may already have much of what you need "around the house."
I was intrigued to read that the sheep farm regularly puts a gallon of silver water in with their flock's drinking water...
Please let me know if you have any questions, or if I can help in any way! :D
Use a quart-sized mason jar...
Only the SILVER (.999 fine, not sterling) should touch the water.
You MUST use DISTILLED water! Steam distilled, no mineral or electrolyte content.
Also, with an aquarium pump, just run the vinyl tube into the water so that bubbles come out at the bottom of the jar. Ideally, wrap the pump in a cotton cloth to act as a dust filter so the air doesn't contain dust.
Wow, thank you! That's a lot of great info! I'll show my husband tonight
You're very welcome. If you try to put something together, I'll be more than happy to assist however I can...
Do you have T.P. for my bunghole? I would hate for my bungholio to get polio.