Cats and Schizophrenia? You Might Be Surprised by the Link!

in #animals6 years ago

Not something you might expect to correlate in the same sentence unless you've ever seen an actual "crazy cat lady". Cats actually have a parasite in them called Toxoplasma gondii. This parasite can cause Toxoplasmosis which can cause that "crazy cat lady syndrome" in rare cases.

"Crazy cat-lady syndrome" is a term coined by news organizations to describe scientific findings that link the parasite Toxoplasma gondii to several mental disorders and behavioral problems.[83][84][85][86][87] Although researchers found that cat ownership does not strongly increase the risk of a T. gondii infection in pregnant women,[55][88] the suspected correlation between cat ownership in childhood and later development of schizophrenia suggest that further studies are needed to determine a risk factor for children.[89] The term crazy cat-lady syndrome draws on both stereotype and popular cultural reference. It was originated as instances of the aforementioned afflictions were noted amongst the populace. Cat lady is a cultural stereotype of a woman, often a spinster, who compulsively hoards and dotes upon cats. Jaroslav Flegr (biologist) is a proponent of the theory that toxoplasmosis affects human behaviour.[90][91]


The Toxoplasma gondii is usually more effective in some of cat's prey like rats where it will ease them up to a point where they aren't afraid of the cat, so the cat will be able to eat them and the Toxoplasma gondii can reproduce inside of the cat's digestive system until they're released in the feces. BIG reason to keep those litter boxes away from your main living areas and to use proper hygiene when cleaning them. Anyway, it isn't meant to be passed onto us as obviously we aren't eaten by cats, but it can be linked to schizophrenia in children. Over 40 million are expected to be infected by this parasite, but the amount of people diagnosed with schizophrenia is so remarkably low, you're probably safe, but if you have cats, hear voices, and see hallucinations, you may want to get diagnosed.

In animals, infection with Toxoplasma gondii can alter behavior and neurotransmitter function. In humans, acute infection with T. gondii can produce psychotic symptoms similar to those displayed by persons with schizophrenia. Since 1953, a total of 19 studies of T. gondii antibodies in persons with schizophrenia and other severe psychiatric disorders and in controls have been reported; 18 reported a higher percentage of antibodies in the affected persons; in 11 studies the difference was statistically significant. Two other studies found that exposure to cats in childhood was a risk factor for the development of schizophrenia. Some medications used to treat schizophrenia inhibit the replication of T. gondii in cell culture. Establishing the role of T. gondii in the etiopathogenesis of schizophrenia might lead to new medications for its prevention and treatment.



Now, everyone knows cats want to rule the world with their human slave subjects, but jokes aside, if you used to not like cats, and suddenly began to after being with a friend who had one, that might just be the parasite trying to go home.

All cats have this parasite, and sometimes, Toxoplasma Gondii accidentally comes out of the cat. The main reason they come out from the cat is when the cat defecates, the parasite is in the feces. When you clean it up, some of the parasite gets on you and manages to get in your body. After that, they make a long journey up stream into your brain.

After they are in your brain, they make you love cats. The reason for this? The parasite wants you to love your cat and pet it and care for it. If you start really caring for it, the parasite gets a chance to get out of your body and go back inside the cat where it can reproduce.

However, lets say you don’t really like cats, yet. Then you go to your friends house and touch his/her cat. There is a high chance that the parasite is inside you now. You go home with a sudden obsession over cats. You watch cat videos and go to pet stores to check them out. Whats happening is that the parasite is trying to get you to buy a cat so it can go back into it. Amazing right?


Still love your precious baby? Good, that's what it wants, and it's mostly harmless so long as you aren't hearing voices or seeing things that aren't real. They're perfectly fine to have and at least half of the human population is already infected with this parasite, but as stated, the schizophrenia is a very rare symptom but not impossible. Just make sure you're washing your hands and keeping those litter boxes a good distance from you.

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