The Top Ten most Deadliest Animals in Ireland.steemCreated with Sketch.

in #animals6 years ago

imageI was down in South Africa not so long ago and I got my picture taken beside a sign showing the various marine animals that were plentiful in the ocean around the cape. Most of them would eat you. I then went on safari and we had to be escorted to our lodge by a ranger because there were lions spotted nearby and a hippo charged a couple the day before.
@janton did a post about his infestation with scorpions when he moved to a new * itemhome . Scorpions??? What in the ....??? I’d be gone.
Ireland is not a bad spot to love. No earthquakes , no volcanos and we had a hurricane last year for the first time in 25 years. Apart from some rain in the summer we cannot really complain.
This post is about the top ten most deadliest predators in Ireland.

The Jack Russell


This dog has small man syndrome and is known to pick fights with bigger dogs. And most of the time they win . It is contrary , temperamental and moody. They have razor sharp teeth and are most likely owned by older people. Very energetic and nifty.

The big Hairy Spider


Measuring a cm in diameter . The arch enemy of the common housewife. Death is the only option and a room overturned in order to banish this unwanted guest. A trip out the back is not enough and this creature has to be exterminated in order for sleep to be had. The common housewife has a fear that spiders will walk into their mouth while sleeping because they read it in an article that it happens 8 times in an average persons life!

The Flying Daddy Long Legs

Scientists are not too sure where these guys come to and where they disappear but they are prominent during the month of September bouncing off walls and windows. Normally if you turn to swipe one with a magazine and miss then they will charge. Panic can set in and one can sustain an injury. These guys love a light bulb. There reason of being is still not known.

The Wasp

This bastard is our top predator and normally appears at picnics around fizzy orange. The best defence against a wasp is to get up quickly and flail your arms around you head while letting girly grunts out. Once the wasp knows it is being attacked it will stay with abuser like a guided missile. Point to note. Wasps are not to be confused with lovely fluffy bees that are too busy working while these dickheads do nothing only annoy people! They pack a bad sting that may hurt for an hour.

*** The Horsefly ***

These bad boys exist anywhere there is cow or horse dung. So that’s everywhere in Ireland so. I am putting these on the list because they pack a punch when they bite you. They don’t just nip , they tear flesh and you end up with a hive like lump on your person. I got 5 of them one day walking the dogs so these bastards are on my list!

A bull


You would want to be terribly unlucky to be injured by a bull in a field. Most of the bulls in Ireland just look at you and keep eating the grass. It has still made the list because it is the only animal bar a horse that can kill you.

A horse
image I was walking past a horse last year and the fucker let a kick out and it caught be in the ass. It was like a cartoon where I end up in the water with or a trough. The horse went back to eating grass which one eye on my reaction. I suffered a large bruise for a couple of weeks and had trouble sitting.

The big black/ brown dog

I’ve bundled these together but it includes German Shepard’s, Rottweilers , Bull terriers and Rottweiler. I’ve never had a run in with any of them but their bite is worse than their bark. I own a Rottweiler and he is afraid of his own shadow. However the last time I was playing with him he pulled the T-shirt off my back. That was a long walk home from the park!

The Ram
My second run in I had with an animal was a ram. I was walking the dogs again and one of the dogs barked at a lamb. A ram was nearby and he charged the dog and threw him up in the air. The dog ran away yelping with the tail between his legs! I was next . I received a head butt to the leg but I managed to hold his head back for the next blow and limped to the safety. I gave out to the dog for his initial bark but he was embarrassed enough as it was.

A Rat

Once trapped in a rat instinctively goes for your jugular! How do they know is my question? But I never go out of my way to corner a rat! I saw a hilarious video a few weeks ago where a man and his cat try and catch a rat. The results are hilarious!

So there you have it! Ireland’s most dangerous animals! No sharks , no crocs, no bird eating spiders ! But I definitely wouldn’t mess with a Jack Russell!

Parmesan Cheese.png




Maybe you need an electric stick, if you know, what i mean :D


First laugh I have had in days, now I know why reading is good for you. Ten out of Ten for this one, going home with great memories and enlightening the world to the green patch in Ireland @blanchy

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Thanks Joan! 😀😀

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What a wimp. That cat should be shot along with the tough guy with the hoodie. He screams like a girl and he was holding a weapon.It is worth a good laugh though. Rats are mean bastards when they are cornered.

They are survivalist ! Can gnaw through metal too

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Yes, if you think about it - then all animals are dangerous to one degree or another))

ahahaha! sir blanchy..this was flippin hilarious, where is the comedyopenmic tag? When I saw the title I was like "what? Ireland doesn't have a bunch of deadly animals!" but I was wrong, wrong, wrong! lol.

The Flying Daddy Long Legs: "There reason of being is still not known." ha! so true. just like the dang ticks.

Hey that rat, all you do is use birdshot in a .22 pistol. Takes them out effortlessly and instantly otherwise those nasty things will haunt you for years and outsmart your traps and I guess harass your cats too! lol.

Great writing and thanks for the mention.

I knew You would like it! 😜 how many times do I keep telling you! Guns are not the answer to everything!

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haha! sir blanchy! no guns are not the answer to everything but this is one of those cases where they would be a very superior method to dispatch those rats. Trust me I know, dealt with lots of them.

When you have rats attacking cats then you either need better cats or you have a serious problem on your hands! lol. One that is most efficiently taken care of by birdshot inside the house. No mess, no fuss, just dead rats.

You never mentioned 'the drunken northsider' !!!

I've had some hairy experiences with that particular species on some saturday nights in Drumcondra!


Hahaha!! I must do a post on them wha!! Bleeeeedddddnnn rapid! Ur some burd🐦 ! I can just imagine! I lived in Dromcondra for 5 years! I developed quite the accent 😂😂. My previous post there’s a guy called Flood from there! That’s funny!

Ya bleedin' bollock ya!

😂😂😂😂 Jaysus wha

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You forgot one: a scorned Irish woman

This had me in stitches, I'm from Manchester so not many horses, bulls or rams but everything else is spot on.

That horse kick you got must have been pretty painful. A powerful kick could cause serious injury. I don't much about horses but must have been protecting his territory must have been a reason behind it.

Yeah I was too close to him, he didn’t connect fully thank god but I see how people get hurt by them .

I was waiting for the feared catholic potato farmer??? The most fearsome of all Irish animals 😂😂😂

They all died around the famine . Il have to do one on our people too! 😀

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