"What Is Wrong With Humans?? Voice against ACID ATTACK on STREET DOGS "

in #animals7 years ago (edited)

Humanity is all dead that is what left to say. People are so cruel that they damage peoples life as well as animals. Admit it or not, we’ve all felt it: Something bad happens to someone else, yet as a result we feel good. The last group of people who hurt animals are the worst. These are people who intentionally hurt animals because they enjoy hurting things, or because it makes them feel powerful. They just choose to hurt animals because animals are more helpless than people.

“The greatness of a nation is judged by the way it treats its animals”, said Mahatma Gandhi but it is not applied in so called humans these days. Though killing or torturing humans is considered to be a crime instantaneously, many among us perhaps pay mute witnesses to incidences of animal cruelty happening all around us. The fact is that laws do exist in this country of ours for protection of cruelty towards animals

An acid attack is a heinous crime which lasts a lifetime. The perpetrator uses acid as a weapon to cause grievous bodily harm. The crime not only destroys the victim’s face but it also destroys their sense of self and worth (without killing them).


Yesderday when i was passing by, i saw a dog digs a hole in front of a shop and then someone throws acid at her at as per the witness. A young girl used to feed this dog one meal a day and suddenly the next day this happened. After the inquiry, it was a shopkeeper who threw acid on her and the man is disappeared from the day.

Then we informed the police and they took that insured dog to Sneha Care which is one of the largest animal welfare charities of Nepal. It protect the street and community dogs from torture, cruelty or ill usage of any kind, it have long campaigned to develop the welfare of man’s best friend. They are were so happy and appreciate our help.


The so called rationale has lost his sense. The dog can’t distinguish between right and wrong. But criminal at least could have distinguished right from wrong. One moment of anger and the aftermath has to be faced by the innocent life. Is this justifiable? That deed is completely unforgiven.

Not only this, Many of you would have seen an overloaded mules or an overloaded bullock/horse cart on the roads every day. Most people prefer to ignore that sight but even when the very few who are aware of animal cruelty laws objects to the ‘owner’ of the animal being ill-treated to not to inflict their animal with cruelty. They don't feel the same pain go through them when we give tortured to animals. Its pathetic to see such crime happening in our society.

I would like everyone to sign this petition and raise your voice against ACID ATTACK on STREET DOGS.

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Thank you for your time!


I love your post, thanks for sharing! I gave you a vote. I hope you enjoy it.

Pleasure is all mine. I am always happy when people like you supports and encourage me. I am glad to be your new friend. Thank you for going through my article. I guess you must be a animal lover. You have soft corner for animals 😊

This is so very sad!
We have a dog too, our Labrador Mia and so we know only to good that these lovely beings and mens best friend have much more feelings than we can imagine.
To my sense, the word "humanity" turns the more and more being a bad word, because only "humans" are able to such atrocities.

Yes exactly. People are becoming insane these days. They don't have feelings for anyone. Im feeling pity to share you people such incidence. I too have a dog whom i love the most. When i saw such crime i literally cried. So lets join hands and stop this. Thank you so much for going through my aticle. Im overwhelmed 😊

omg my inner heart is realy crying dogs are so loyal then why people doing this to them :( i always respect and love dogs as everyone here is creativity of God we all should respect and take care of each other human being

Same happens to me when i saw such incident. I am happy that you are one of the animal lover like me. Like you said dogs are innocent, they even don't know what is right and what is wrong. But people are becoming senseless these days. I hope this kind of crimes are not repeat again. Thank you for going through my article. I am glad 😊

those sensless people should be hanged in my opinion and welcome its my pleasure i support your post from inner heart

I agree with you. Again thanks for your support 😊

This is so sad and so horrible. These people should be tortured with acid on their genitals and then they should be shot! Has the whole world gone crazy? 😲😲😲😲😲😲

Hahahaha you are apsolutely right. I know your agrresion and fire after reading my article. Thanks for going through 😊

Have a great day my friend. 👍🏼😀

in german this is called "schadenfreude" (pronounced: "sha-den-frowd").. you said it right at the beginning "we feel somehow powerful, we feel that others can get hurt too like us and we feel that we are not alone" that's because we learned it from an abusive household so we tend to excercise it outside.. I always see the hope and the sadness in the children...a caring child reflects a caring society and so on..

Wow thank you for mentioning the different side of your country. Yes i agree with you people these days are pathetic, they feel pleasure when someone else is hurt. And it is fact. Thank you for going through my article. Im happy 😊

This is so sad dear friend Up&Resteem

Thank you dear! You have been always supporting me. Im so happy to be your nice friend

This is insane.. we humans are so cruel..

Its sad to share such disgusting things to you all. I am glad that you go through my article. Thank you!

Very sad post. The cruelty is horrible. I have two dogs and I love them so much when I looked into their eyes I couldn't even say anything wrong to them but make such an evil. Damn cowards and murderer.

Yes dear some people are born insane and they dont have emotions. I too have dog at my home whom i love the most. When i saw such incident i fell like crying. So i share with you guys. Thank you for going through it. Im glad. Take care lovely lady! 😍

Thank you for sharing. Some people are very stupid but I still believe there are much more wonderful people then those idiots.

It's so sick,people who don't respect animals feeling and hurt them are the worst, I literally hate them!

Thank you for reading my article. I too agree with you lovely lady 😊

omg ,That is sad....

Yes it is. Thank you for your support 😊

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