Discovery of black panther in TNBTS area (penemuan black panther di TNBTS)

in #animals7 years ago (edited)

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Seekor macan tutul hitam (kumbang) Jawa (panther pardus melas) atau black panther terekam kamera penjebak (camera trap) yang dipasang petugas dikawasan Taman Nasional Bromo Tengger Semeru di kabupaten Lumajang, Jawa Timur .”kamera trap itu dipasang di sejumlah titik dikawasan Taman Nasional Bromo tengger semeru (TNBTS) yang berada di lereng Gunung Semeru dan berhasil merekam seekor macan tutul hitam dengan ukuran cukup besar ,” kata pelaksana harian kepala bidang wilayah 2 TNBTS Budi Mulyanto.

A black leopard (beetle) of Java (panther pardus melas) or black panther is captured by camera trap installed by Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park in Lumajang district, East Java. "The camera trap is installed at a number of points in the Park area Bromo tengger semeru (TNBTS) located on the slopes of Mount Semeru and managed to record a black leopard with a size large enough, "said the chief executive of region 2 TNBTS Budi Mulyanto.

Pemasangan kamera tersebut bertujuan utama memantau keberadaan satwa liar yang terancam punah didalam kawasan TNBTS . Dia menjelaskan kawasan TNBTS merupakan salah satu habitat hewan langka yang dilindungi , namun pihaknya masih belum tahu jumlah pasti total populasi macan tutul jawa yang berada dikawasan konservasi karena belum dilakukan survei secara menyeluruh. “sejauh ini hasil dai temuan petugas di lapangan baik yang terekam kamera trap maupun jejak kaki diprediksi jumlah macan tutul jawa sekitar 10 ekor yang berada dikawasan lereng gunung semeru ,”tuturnya.

The installation of the camera aims to monitor the presence of endangered wildlife within the park. He explained that TNBTS area is one of the protected rare animal habitat, but it still does not know the exact total population of leopard java that is in the conservation area because it has not done a thorough survey. "So far the results of the findings of officers in the field both recorded camera traps and footprints predicted the number of leopard java about 10 heads located in the slopes of the mountain semeru," he said.

Macan tutul masuk “daftar merah” Internasional Union for Conservation of nature (IUCN) pada 2007 serta masuk dalam Apendiks I konvensi perdagangan International untuk tumbuhan satwa liar (convention international Trade in Endagered Species/CITES) sehingga hewan langka itu dilarang diperjual belikan dalam bentuk apapun.

The leopard entered the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) 's "red list" in 2007 and is included in Appendix 1 of the International Trade Convention on Entrepreneurs Species (CITES) so that the endangered animals are prohibited to be traded in any form .

Pihak TNBTS akan melakukan pemantauan secara berkala di lokasi-lokasi yang ditemukan jejak kaki macan tutul jawa dan hasil rekaman kamera serta melakukan pengamatan secara intensif setelah terekamnya keberadaan macan tutul tersebut melalui “camera trap” di kawasan TNBTS.

TNBTS will conduct periodic monitoring in locations found in leopard footprints of Java leopard and camera recordings and make intensive observations after the recorded existence of the leopard through the "camera trap" in the area TNBTS.

Belasan jenis mamalia yang terdapat dalam kawasan TNBTS, di antaranya memiliki nilai konservasi tinggi yakni Manis Javanica, Macan tutul jawa (panther pardus) , lutung Jawa (Trachypithecus auratus ), hystryx branchyura, laricus sp, dan Muntiacus muntjak, namun macan tutul dan lutung jawa menjadi spesies yang diprioritaskan untuk diselamatkan keberadaannya karena terancam punah .

Dozens of mammals are found in the area of ​​TNBTS, among which have high conservation value that is Manis Javanica, Javanese leopard (panther pardus), Javan langur (Trachypithecus auratus), hystryx branchyura, laricus sp, and Muntiacus muntjak, but leopard and Javan langur into a species that is prioritized to be saved due to its endangered existence.

Sekilas info dari saya semoga bermanfaat @auliafikri

A glimpse of info from me may be useful @auliafikri


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