Stork Muse needs artificial limbs. Information and advices are very welcome!

in #animals7 years ago

The Musa's legs are already normal after the operation. Now it's time to think about artificial limbs. They are extremely necessary, because if she hurts the remaining joints, it will be a disaster! She is very mobile. This is understandable, because she is still a child. She wants to move, to know the world. But while I have to keep her in the room. We began to search for a prosthetist in Ukraine. But there is no experience of such prosthetics in our country. Maybe it is in your countries? I will be grateful for any information. Photos, descriptions, samples. Anything that could facilitate the task of the prosthetist.


I read of a zoo in Germany, which printed a 3D-prothesis for a raptor.
They bought it at e-Nable:
Here is the article It´s German, but maybe you can translate it with google.
I hope it will help you and Muse...

Thank you very much!

Poor that has with the feet

She is beautiful !
Thanks for sharing .

is that your pet ?

I hope you get information to help her!

Lovely animal.I am voting you.Please check my post.

You may have a look in Germany for a proper prosthetist. I do not know of anyone specific, there could be some people doing such things.
I wish her the best and really hope she is feeling better in a few days. @animal-shelter bad didn't read the whole comments, just saw now that someone already lead you to germany

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