Humpbacks at Neko harbour, Antarctica

Megaptera novaeangliae (Big-winged New Englander), which is the Latin name for the Humpback Whale. This big guy I found while cruising in a zodiac in an area called Neko harbour. It was foraging along this deep shelf in between all the icebergs. No doubt one of my favourite animals to interact with when working down in Antarctica. Just big gentle giants of the ocean, also known as the Ballerinas of the sea.


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Wonderful shot. I love how the short depth of field and fast shutter to capture those individual droplets!
Went whale watching in NZ a good while ago from Kaikoura. Go in the morning, the "sea will be as flat as glass" they said... I don't think my wife really saw anything due to sea-sickness and I barely got one distant shot of a tail.

Later on we're buying postcards, and wondering if all the snowy mountains are fake or something, the whole time we were there the cloudbase was really low and we never saw them! One day we will go back and do it properly!

When you have confidence,you can have a lot of fun.And when you have fun, you can do amazing things.

This is just awesome! I would love to see more of your posts. I love the ocean and this post is just overwhelming. Wanted to become a marine biologist but had a hard time remembering scientific names of fishes haha. Great photo!

salute salute .. rare experience people people do ..

Well, if i would be a big humpback i'd be also gentle and chilled ;) I guess they have no real "enemy" except us ofc. or sometimes orcas ?! Amazing lucky shot !

It looks like a different animal.

I wonder how much STEEM POWER does this whale have? haha

As a Bostonite, I hope to go whale watching at some point in my life and capturing a shot just like this

The place is very beautiful. I will go to one day.

Nice post
vote have me ya friend.

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