Behind Glass

What's it like to be on display? Everyone looking and pointing. Camera flashing popping. I wrote several post recently regarding the pro and cons and my personal feeling about zoo's and why they still existing in todays day and age.

I was going through some of the images from that trip for a future article I'm writing and will be posting and came across this one.

Snow Leopard-1.jpg

After some time to reflect and staring at this cat for a while I just can not shake the feeling that zoo's and aquariums are of a by gone area and we no longer need these places as they are today.

Thanks for reading.


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perfect photo

Some zoos I think really have it figured out though and do so much good for animals without impeding on their lives too much like the San Diego zoo. It's a balance because the good work they do takes money but to raise that money you've got to be able to show the public these animals.

I feel you on this, yesterday I saw a Bald Eagle in the wild on was thinking how free it was to do what ever it felt like. I took this picture myself and it was a great feeling seeing it in it's natural habitat.

YESSS!!! From a 21st Century perspective of morals and ethics I agree, wholeheartedly.

And yet! People often cite captive breeding programmes as if they are a good thing, forgetting that if we provide the right environments...IN THE WILD...nature will take care of the rest. So then we ping pong back to conservation and the care of the environment and we are, as the caretaker species on this planet, doing a pretty poor job there too. Every time we destroy a region for it's resources we create knife edge conditions for all the life that previously flourished there.

And so this question you raise @scottdphoto, through your beautifully poignant photograph...does, I feel, raise even more.

is it a cat or tiger???????

i up voted , resteem and followed
i would to be srong like you .

The best thing I like about this wonderful creation is it's attitude. Awesome click.

Amazing photo :) you're doing very well on here. Congrats

But yeah. Zoos suck. I suppose they do teach us about the animals though.

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