Best Buddies - Animal Photography

in #animalphotography7 years ago (edited)

Hello Steemian, this is my photo entry for Animal Photography of @photocontests. Feel free to upvote, resteem or put any suggestions in the comments below. Also, you can follow me for more contents in the near future!


It was a few years back when her mother was killed by a car and she came into Bruno’s life. It was cold that day. He spotted Luna shivering on the roadside next to her dead mom. He brought her home and adopted the orphaned kitten. He accepted her completely, being the silly, sweet dog he was.

She’s a curious little kitten who followed him everywhere he went. She wanted to be with him all the time and hated to be alone. They ate together on the same food bowl. She smelled and cleaned his ears which he loved. She slept on his bed and couldn’t sleep the night unless she was nestled up with him.

Sometimes she thought she’s also a dog. She loved water, chased balls, listened to her name. She adapted perfectly into his pack. Though she missed her mom, she was okay. She adjusted more easily because she’s got her bestie and everything’s better.

Until Bruno was stricken with cancer and started losing his eyesight.

He began spending a lot of time on the sofa. She was aware that her beloved friend was gravely ill and was seldom more than a few feet from her side. Although there was some initial tension that morning, Luna knew sometimes to be a best friend, you have to give hugs even if someone won’t ask.

“This is a very bad idea,” said Bruno.

“You’ve said that already,” replied Luna.

“I thought it was worth repeating.”

That morning, using her paws, she coaxed him out of his confinement, guiding him around the house, and led him out into the garden, their favorite everyday spot where they start off their day with kisses and hugs.

Bruno was too weak to walk yet they made it to the front lawn. He rested beside Luna panting.

Suddenly, a huge black dog appeared up the street, heading towards them with no owner around. The sight of a strange dog would normally send Luna running for cover. But that instant, she held her ground as the big dog approached. Luna stood up and moved directly into its path, puffing herself up and growling like something possessed her. The dog tried to go around her to get a sniff at Bruno, but any way he turned, Luna blocked him with her own tiny body-left, right, then left again.

She was terrified, yet there she was, risking her own life to protect the helpless friend who had been her guardian for so many years. The stray dog soon gave up and left.

“Hi, let me bite you because I love you,” as Bruno delightedly nuzzled his feline bodyguard. He was very gentle with her.

“You just wait.” In return, Luna pawed his nose and licked his face.

Who would have thought her love of personal space meshed very well with his in-your-face style of friendship? No one would’ve expected them to hit it off so well. Both were oblivious to the fact that they weren’t natural companions.

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Very cute photo.

Respectfully yours,
Jacob A. Billett, M.B.A
CEO Billett Enterprises, Inc.


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