Wildlife of the Caribbean: brown pelican, the master of high diving
Hi Steemians!
I am here with another entry for the #animalphotography contests organized by @juliank and @photocontests.
This time around, I would like to introduce you to a fascinating creature that is (fortunately) still very common here in Mexico as well as in many other countries located in the Americas – the brown pelican.
Measuring up to 1.5 m (5 ft) long and having a wingspan of up to 2.3 m (7.5 ft), the brown pelican is actually the smallest pelican species but it is still a large seabird famous for its unique style of feeding as it dives bill-first in water from great heights.
It has been found out that the pelicans can dive in water from up to 21 m (71 ft) and they usually go for a very steep angle (as closest to 90 degrees as possible) to reduce the water fraction.
Another thing that brown pelicans are known for is their remarkable style of flying. They often fly in groups of up to 10 or 15 birds, creating various formations such as straight lines, ovals or V-shape formations. When flying, the pelican usually rests its head on its folded, long neck.
You can also see them flying very low over the water with their wings sometimes even touching the water surface. They do that to take advantage of the slope lift, a light upward wind rising from the sea waves.
Another interesting thing about the brown pelican is the fact that its pouch can actually holds up to 3-time more than its belly. Adult pelicans use the pouch to store their catch that they eventually feed their babies.
We completely fell in love with these guys here in Mexico and we love to watch them diving for fish. I might take a video of that for you later but for now, let me just share a few photos of these magnificent sea birds with you.
Click on the image for full view
Click on the image for full view
Click on the image for full view
Click on the image for full view
I took these images in Puerto Aventuras, a little coastal town here on Riviera Maya and yes, I had to go waist-deep in water to take them :D
Czech: Dnešní #animalphotography contest bych chtěl využít k tomu, abych vám představil jedno z našich nejoblíbenějších zvířátek tady v Mexiku. Tento ptačí krasavec se nazývá pelikán hnědý. Je to pořádný macek – rozpětí křídel má až 230 cm a váží až 5 kilo. Musím se přiznat, že až při psaní tohoto článku jsem zjistil, že pelikáni žijí jenom na obou amerických kontinentech, takže u nás v Evropě na ně v přírodě nenarazíte. Pelikáni hnědí jsou známí hlavně svou unikátní loveckou technikou, při které se střemhlav vrhají do vody za kořistí. Při těchto vzdušných manévrech bychom je mohli pozorovat celé hodiny, je to opravdu mimořádně zajímavá podívaná. Jednou se nám dokonce stalo, že hejno pelikánů začalo tyhle nálety dělat přímo mezi námi, když jsme se koupali v moři. Pro některé méně otrlé jedince to byl asi až příliš adrenalinový zážitek, takže s křikem a vyděšeným výrazem raději utekli na břeh :D Ale je fakt, že když to hned vedle vás zalomí z nějaké dvacetimetrové výšky takový pětikilový „drobek“, tak to je docela šupa :D No nic tak o zvířátkách zase příští pondělí, dneska jsem se nějak rozepsal… Úspěšný týden všem!
PS: včera tu byla proti mně vznesena jistá obvinění, ke kterým bych se rád vyjádřil, takže dnes přidám výjimečně ještě jeden, ryze česky psaný post. Děkuji za pozornost.
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Pěkné kousky ;-). Asi bych se taky klidil z místa jejich loveckých hrátek. Co kdyby si spletli můj palec s mřenkou ;-)
No bylo to docela vzrůšo - najednou začali mezi nás padat jak rakety :D
As always, excellent post! In Maracaibo, my hometown, it is normal to meet some pelicans similar to those, only here they are called "buchones". I think the world of birds is wonderful.
You are right, they are wonderful creatures. Are they protected in Venezuela? Or do people hunt them? Hopefully not...
They have no value to people so.. They are ignored by most of us jajaja that condition is good for they.
Wow no sabia ese detalle de este animal.
Interesante 👍
Holy moly! Yes, there are here as well this side of Mexico! It's Mating season and the females just arrived! The males have been here by themselves for so long waiting....
Really? I think I wouldnt even be able to determine the sex in them :D We just love watching them, they are so huge and majestic :) How do you like Mexico so far??
The males have a white head and now a red neck for mating...the females are just brown. They are HUGE! You are right! So far so good in Mexico...I am blown away by the garbage though. I am on a mission to get this place cleaned up. Hoping The Plastic Bank will get back to me to help! Pretty amazing what they do!
Wow really? This is awesome! I was shocked by the amount of trash here too when I first came to Mexico. I do some occasional beach clean-ups too, glad to hear you are also interested in the environment! :)) The wildlife here is so diverse and the nature would be so beautiful without all the garbage everywhere.
Tell me about it! After we cleaned an entire beach, 30+ pelicans showed up for mating...it made my heart smile. It was the only beach clean around...so maybe it is a sign we need to clean up more!!! Anyways, yes, it seems the animals just stand out and glow more on a clean beach!
Wow, you have my deepest respect for cleaning an entire beach! I know how frustrating it can be as the locals usually dont care about the enviroment at all and the place you clean up is littered in no time again :( But any effort counts, keep up the great job guys, you just motivated me to continue with my little efforts too ;)
Jsou nádherní. Taky bych se asi lekla, kdyby takový kolosek vedle mě zabombil - no a možná bych taky utíkala, ale pro foťák! :D A neumím si představit, co by dělal Remy, ten by si s nimi beztak chtěl hrát a štěkal by na ně :D
Ty jejich nálety jsou tak rychlé a nečekané, že se prakticky nedají zachytit :D Snad se nám ještě něco podaří cvaknout ;) Remy by asi pěkně koukal, tak velké ptáky určitě neviděl :))
You going deep in the water has paid of ! The pictures you took are really good = ) It seems like the pelicans have some math skills because of the way they approach/dive in the water. They even create amazing formations while flying. How cool is that .
Thank you for contributing to the Steemit Community.Keep up the great work and I'm looking forward to your next posts.
Thank you for reading the post! Obviously, you always read it all :)) Thanks for the comment.
They are huuuge! :D..You've got very beautiful photos of them. I think they look like they were from the dinosaur days!
Exactly! I can also see the pteranodons in them! :))
Pteranodons, you read my mind! That was exactly the dinosaur I was thinking of! :)
Nádherné fotky.
Hermosas fotos del pelícano, el mar y esas piedras con limo hacen una buena combinación de colores con la particular ave.
Curioso lo de la bolsa.
Saludos @phortun
Gracias Rosibel :) Me gustan mucho estos pájaros.
Ty fotky jsou fakt brutální
Díky :)
Muzu se zeptat jak delas zkratku pro full view? :-)
Jasně, jsi na chatu nebo discordu? Nebo někde jinde soukromě k zastižení... :)
Jasně, pak to vyresime :-)
Hledal jsem tě na chatu, ale nenašel... jsi tam? :)