Caturday in Qatar

in #animalphotography7 years ago (edited)


If you like cats in the US, you should really meet a Qatari cat. Or a Turkish cat. Seriously...

...I honestly think they're different than American cats. They just seem so chill compared to any cats I've met in the US, haha.

I feel like there's a slight chance that middle eastern cats wouldn't immediately eat their owner if he died (have any of you heard that theory? That a cat will eat its owner if he dies? Don't try to test out that theory haha).

I'll be honest...Normally I'm kind of terrified of cats because my roommate had one named Helen Killer for two years...and she's a slasher, haha.

But so far, foreign cats have been good to me!!

This post is about this lil' guy that hung out with me in Qatar. I mentioned in an earlier post how to travel to Qatar for free.

I had an amazing day there because I asked this guy for directions so I wouldn't get lost...and he ended up buying me lunch! I love that I was already having lunch with a local within an hour of being in Qatar:

We were there for a couple of hours, and this cat just hung out near my feet the whole time!

He was so sweet though. He didn't beg me for anything. He just seemed to be happy to sit near us. He was even cool enough to let me get up in his space and take pics of his exotic eyes!

This is for the smartphonephotography challenge by @juliank

P.S. Anyone sort of scared of cats like I am?

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Helen Killer? Wow. I guess sometimes we become what we are named. My Human used to have cat named "Slash" because that's pretty much what she did. Sorry you had a bad experience, though — most of us are just curious, soft and loving.

Your Qatari kitty is very exotic looking — never saw such bright gold eyes on a cat before.


Haha wellllll that became her nickname over time after her catty behavior, lol. Sounds like Helen and Slash were separated at birth!!

I never saw a cat that looked like this, either! I was so captivated by how exotic he looks! You're right...the eyes are super unique!

I'm not a cat person but this one is so adorable :D

I'm not a cat person, either! lol but this one acted like a dog. I think haha

it is an amazing post, from your post you reminded me my university life. I was living in the hostel so there was a cat, who usually came to the canteen during dinner time, and if someone doesn't pay attention to him he used to touch the feet of students to give him food. lol

Cats make always a good subject for photos :)
really nice photo!
I upvoted and im gonna follow you!
no need to follow back if you don't really like my posts!
Good luck!

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it! To be honest, I'm not a huge cat person but I will say they do make some beautiful pictures! I appreciate your comment upvote and support so much!! Checking out your page

People normally likes dogs better, I love them both... the main difference is that dogs love us unconditionally even if we treat them bad... Cats are more like us, if you give them love and a good place they give love back... but also if they wanna be alone they let you know they are not yours they are independent beings :)

Waa, such a cute cat T_T, and the stranger seems nice. I didn't know arab men could talk to uncovered women, even less buy them meals and be friendly; seems I was misinformed.

I really enjoy your happy posts :3

Yep, they can. It's typically a woman's choice if they want to wear a head covering or not, except in really extremist places where they force women to wear it (which, from what I understand, the Quran doesn't say that you can force a head covering on a I think some muslims are divided about this).

Actually, we were with someone else too, but he doesn't want his face or any info about him on the blockchain lol. He got us both lunch! Nice guy. We talked about everything....religion, was super interesting.

I really enjoy your comments! And just you in general lol.

The Egyptian Mau is probably the oldest breed of cat. In fact, the breed is so ancient that its name is the Egyptian word for “cat.”

But do they eat their dead owners, though?

It has been scientifically proven that owning cats is good for our health and can decrease the occurrence of high blood pressure and other illnesses.

Unless you live with a slasher cat... Which increases blood pressure and spikes cortisol

A cat sees about 6 times better than a human at night, and needs 1/6 the amount of of light that a human does - it has a layer of extra reflecting cells which absorb light.

Lol. Do cats beg?

Lol Helen killer does! (Old roommate's cat) She begs for whipped cream lol

A cat rubs against people not only to be affectionate but also to mark out its territory with scent glands around its face. The tail area and paws also carry the cat’s scent.

Lol, I was going to say "you have subscribed to cat facts", then I read your name. Very fitting :3 I own a catfacts bot somewhere on the internet.

A cat has 230 bones in its body. A human has 206. A cat has no collarbone, so it can fit through any opening the size of its head.

Most cats adore sardines.

Please, do cat facts on my posts. I promise to upvote you erry time.

Cats, just like people, are subject to asthma. Dust, smoke, and other forms of air pullution in your cat's environment can be troublesome sources of irritation.

tag one of your posts with cats, I bet you'll get these on your post lol

lol haha you're so full of surprises. Fact: Cats usually terrify me. But cats in Turkey act like chilled out dogs, so I'm cool with them. And apparently cats in Qatar, too.

Oooo, I love all animals :3 I might get scared at some of the most ferocious ones like lions and wild puppers, but I just love them from a distance. :P

A healthy cat has a temperature between 38 and 39 degrees Celcius.

Ailurophile is the word cat lovers are officially called.

Lol so many facts!

A sexually-active feral tom-cat \owns\" an area of about three square miles and \""sprays\"" to mark his territory with strong smelling urine."""

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