
Their color is extra ordinary, I like how bright and attractive they appear. Enjoy your photography! Followed you, subscribed to your YouTube channel as well. Looking forward to see more of your contents...

Well done @arnel you are welcome to the first 100% upvote for subscribing to my YouTube channel.

Yeah, thanks a lot. Very much appreciated.

My pleasure and thank you for your subscription on YouTube. I need to get to 1,000 somehow? :)

Haha ... if it makes you feel any better. It probably wasn't personal. Ducks have no sphincter muscle ... which means they go when they have to go and I suppose, fart that way too. There is no pretence with birds:) He must have felt comfortable with you:)

That's nice info to know haha. Thanks for sharing your knowledge of Duck anatomy :D

He was a very forward kind of a Duck and made himself very comfortable on the handrail of the deck and then let rip with a quizzical look in his eye :)
Almost pmsl.

Hahaha ... adventures in inter-species relations.

We have an expression in England that I never understood until now.

"Cor! Love a Duck"

Now it all makes sense lol

@prydefoltz, I am impressed that you know that little tidbit of info...that ducks have no sphincter muscle! I think you need to go on a game show and win some money, lol :)

LOL ... not sure that question would make the cut:)

Haha I have never heard a duck fart :D. If I ever did I imagine I would laugh my self to death since I have such childish humor :D Love the photos by the way. Ducks are so cute

And very tasty too :D
A duck fart sounds exactly the same as their Quack! Just in reverse and a little wetter. :)

A duck fart sounds exactly the same as their Quack! Just in reverse and a little wetter.

LoLminuscule.pngYou've just made my day !! ^_^

Entirely my pleasure Barbara :)

when i saw the caption of your post, i was a little bit confused about the post, and after coming to your blog, now i am assured that you are a person of another level, your posts are different from other 👌👌👍👍

Glad you enjoyed your new discovery. @marino0 stick around for more fun posts ;)

obviously 😉

I love the duck looks very colorful is adorable, thank you for uploading this picture has made me happy the day! LOL

I'm happy it gave you a happy feeling all day. That was my intention. :D

great post ... lol I have a photo and story about a gander .. happened yesterday. (haven't written it yet)

Your photos are great I was not too close to this one he attacks.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander as they say lol
Geese make great guard (dogs) Geese!

Beautiful and good looking ducks. Excellent photographs. Ducks re always a good bird to have around.

Thanks @peterecheng especially nice with pancakes and hoi sin sauce ;)

Thank you sir. Glad to see your reply. I do come to see more of your post.

That's great, glad to have you on the team. :)

Ha! You gotta love animal farts, they just don't care where they come out.

Haha they usually come out of the same place in all mammals...I hope haha

I love ducks. Especially take pictures and eat.

Haha yes, always make sure to get a good photo before a duck for dinner.

Beautiful blue duck. I've never seen one like this. Magnificently photographed!

Thanks @irinal it's called a Mallard duck.

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