Never ending series week 35, Eyes on the prize

35 eyes on the prize .jpg

I got my eyes on the prize with Number 35 in the never ending series, where one picture, (the one below) turns into a totally new work of art every Sunday, Welcome to week 35, I call it "Eyes on the prize"

Link to the image I used to start and continue the series indefinitely

Some rocky times with this series, last week I panicked and posted the series on Saturday instead of Sunday because I was in a rush to work and did not realize it was the right day, and So yesterday I did not want to put my self in a bad situation so I made sure to complete this weeks edition so I can have it ready to post on the right day lol.

I made Eyes on the prize by first starting with the original or the Genesis picture you see right above, I first started off by replacing the original color with a gradient and messed around with it a but until I made what you see below.


Then I saved it, flipped it vertically and horizontally and then overlayed the slightly modified version on to itself.
Did a few more things to it until I got the result eye was looking for.

Stay tuned for the next edition next Sunday and you can also check out previous editions by clicking the link below

Last week's edition into the series

And the link to the Beginning of the series

Hope you having a great day and are enjoying your steemit journey,
I want to thank all my supporters for their upvotes, comments and resteems, Its truly appreciated!

Yours truly,

Maxim aka bitcoinman

btc man.jpg


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