Chicks at the farm - Safe for Work!

They are so cuddly, these sweet, small chicks. These chicks have been born in the past few weeks on the farm where I work with people who have a disability. We need eggs every day to cook and bake, and lately a lot of chickens have been eaten by Mr. Fox.

We incubate the eggs in a incubator. That goes well every time. There are always a few eggs that are not fertilized or do not hatch, but usually a foster mother works perfectly.

Our cat, Minoes, is also very interested in the chicks. We think she wants to eat them. I also love chicken :-)

This chick crawled out of her egg a few minutes ago. It looks like she wants to come to me. She also beeps hard and that is a good sign. Maybe she calls me, Daddy, Daddy. She is still wet but in a few hours, under the heat lamp, she will be dried up and fluffy.

These are the chicks from the first photos. They are now about a month old and they are very beautiful chickens. We do not know how many hens and how many roosters there are, that is not yet visible. An experienced chicken farmer can already see which are the roosters, but I can not.

I wish everyone a nice weekend!



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