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RE: AnimalMomentium #3 - The Lucky systems we live with
I think the animals are the smart ones. They want to follow a path of true freedom and if it wasn't for man they most likely would. Humans however from the time they are born are never truly free. There is no such thing as free will if you are human. There are rules and regulations we must follow. There is always someone stronger and more powerful we must follow. There is always fear to control us. How sad that man has forced his way to control not only the animal kingdom but our plant life as well. To answer both your questions, I guess I would have to use some sort of sign language or noise to communicate. Would be tricky.
Hey Sis, as you probably noticed my questions are not easy, there are no wrong or right answers they are simply to open peoples minds a bit (love your answer by the way :))
I agree with what you have written, and the great thing is there is always hope and that is what these posts are about. But, before I can make some positive suggestions for lasting change, we have a lot of posts to raise peoples's not easy, most people don't realise they are stuck in a system, controlled by another system, designed so you can't escape (but all this ugly truth with come out soon). For me it's just about having appropriate and reasonable choices, in the end there are only a few possible outcomes for this planet - personally I have only been able to determine 5 possibilities to where this will lead. The key to all these posts is to help people see there is really only 5 futures and then choose which future they want, vs. being forced down only a single choice (which is happening currently).... I'm not gonna say it's a bad path, it's just a path, what i will try to do is show people what it means in the end and everything held dear will be impacted....but yeah, to do that we need to ensure everyone is aware, I'm not going to lie, these posts are designed to deprogram people...So I suggest if ignorance is a bliss, people should stop reading's ok to be afraid and be led by systems, it's natural to take the easiest path.
Thanks for your continued contributions and following animalmomentium :)