Animal Farm Composition

in #animal7 years ago

Animal Farm Composition


The book Animal Farm consists of two important characters, Snowball and Napoleon. Snowball and Napoleon are two pigs that were controlling the farm after the revolution. After the Old Major's death, Snowball and Napoleon followed his advice and succeeded in their task, but due to the conflict between Snowball and Napoleon, they were not able to agree or negotiate with each other. Although they were both domineering and superior to the other animals they often had conflicts because of their different methods and strategies of ruling. The pigs, Snowball and Napoleon did not have any interest in working with one another because how divergent their intensions, their nature and their dispositions are Napoleon was one of the rulers in the farm. He has the character of being very avarice, egoistic and self-centered. In page 9, paragraph 2, line 17, Napoleon was described as the pig that has the reputation of getting his own way. He would be very seclusive he would not let anyone be informed with what he is up to, for example in page 22, paragraph 3 and line 24: when Jessie and Bluebell had given birth between nine puppies, Napoleon took in charge of those puppies and kept them in seclusion that not even anyone on the farm had a hint what was going on. Napoleon would not notify any animal on the farm, of what was going on.

As how Napoleon wanted his own way, he always wanted himself only to rule the farm. As for the election Napoleon had planned Snowballs defeat, he took the advantages of the dogs that were once puppies that he took from Jessie and Bluebell, to drive away or even kill Snowball (page 34, paragraph 1&2, line 19.) Napoleon not being able to speak persuasively, took advantage of Squealer (page 9 line 24) who was brilliant talker and was able to induce very well. Napoleon ordered Squealer to convince everyone on the farm that Snowball was false and like an enemy, which Squealer successfully achieved (page 37, paragraph 2 and line 6.) Napoleon also didn't like any animal to associate with his rival. Napoleon was a heartless pig, which would eliminate the animals that were secretly involved with Snowball, even the animals who had a conversation with him or animals that refused to obey his orders. For example Napoleon ordered death sentence to the hens because they would not agree on giving away their eggs and in order not to so they would fly up to the rafters and lay their eggs there, where the eggs would smash. (page 51, paragraph 2). The dogs on Napoleons command killed the pigs, hens, and sheep. Napoleon was acruel leader who would do anything that would bring him to be the superio Snowball was also the ruler of the farm. Snowball was vivacious, articulate, vivid and more inventive than Napoleon (page 9, paragraph 2, line 17) Snowball believed in following the OldMajor s idea, because hethought that it would successfully lead them to have freedom and humans would no longer rule over animal (through chapters 1-3.) Snowball also did not want anything that reminded them being enslaves. So Snowball ordered everyone to discard erything them owned that were made by humans. This was so because it he found it the symbol of slavery and captivation. (page 13, paragraph 1, line 13) Snowball liked the idea of them overpower the humans ability to produce more than the animals could. He wanted to harvest much faster than Jones's men would do, showing them that animals were more capable than Jones and his men.

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