Attractions Dolphins, Performances That Lumpy Exploitation Rather than Education

in #animal7 years ago

Bottlenose dolphin, his life is in the sea not in the pool to be a show. Photo: Wikimedia Commons / Peter Asprey / Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported

Medio 2013, citizens of Yogyakarta can no longer enjoy the attraction of dolphins. A Circular Letter from the Director General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation, affirms that the Natural Resources Conservation Center (BKSDA) should not issue a letter of transport to the water mammals. Letter of Transportation of Plants and Animals in the Country (SATSDN) is a 'document' so that the attraction organizers can transport animals across the region.

The letter came out, after the protests of various parties to the attraction, ranging from communities, communities, to environmental activists. Until now, Indonesia is the only country that still allows the performance of dolphins held. In fact, this attraction has been opposed almost all over the world. The reason, the attraction is contrary to the behavior of these mammals in their natural habitat. Dolphins are believed to be under stress and discomfort, psychologically and physically due to attraction.

If the action of Yogyakarta City residents succeeded in stopping the dolphin attraction outside the conservation area, a similar action was held in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. Ocean Dream Ocean, Taman Impian Jaya Ancol holds a dolphin attraction from February 15, 2018 to March 18, 2018. The largest water park in West Kalimantan, Paradis-Q Water Park, rents out locations for that attraction for a month.

"Legally this attraction is not a problem, the problem is animal welfare. This is very contradictory, "said Sulhani, Director of Titian Lestari Foundation, recently.

Titian's reaction has the support of many parties. There are journalists, conservationists, veterinarians and social activists. A coalition is formed under the name of the Blue Equator Coalition. The open letter was sent to President Joko Widodo, the House of Representatives, the Minister of Marine Affairs and Fisheries, the Minister of Environment and Forestry, the Governor of West Kalimantan, the Regent of Kubu Raya, the Head of the Natural Resources Conservation Center, to the professional organization of journalists.

In letters disclosed so that circus traveling circles are immediately terminated with some consideration. Naturally, dolphins are migratory animals but in this demonstration to move from one place to another, dolphins must be transported using land and air transport.

These marine mammals are placed in the trunk of the plane, not in cabins that have high noise levels. Dolphin position near the machine. These conditions have the potential to rupture the lungs / air pockets (monkey lips) and organs in the ear due to differences in atmospheric pressure in the natural habitat (under water) with the atmosphere at the height of roaming the air.

During the trip, the dolphins are placed in the trunk without using the water media that should be the habitat. Dolphins in their life cycles have never been out of water for a long time. Thus, the activity of transporting dolphins can lead to a variety of potential abnormalities, organ damage, stress, even death.

Once at the attraction location, the dolphins are placed in a narrow and shallow pond. Swimming water generally contains chlorine and sodium intended to eradicate microbes or make it look clear. In fact, the long-term effects of these compounds impact on the health of dolphins, such as diminished sense of vision to cause blindness. Thus, the existing treatment has violated the principle of animal welfare (animal walfare) that is free from disease.


Dolphins are social creatures that live in groups and have high psychological vulnerabilities and stress. Scientifically, according to research K.Noda 2007, entitled "Relationship Between Transpotation Stress and Polymorphonuclear Cell Functions of Bottlenose Dolphine" stated that transporting animals can cause high levels of stress. In effect, the dolphin's immune system decreases while the risk of infection and the possibility of death each time they are moved from one place to another increases.

Stress can also come from fear, anxiety, frustration, arrest, boredom, and seclusion. Such conditions will lead to psychological and physical changes that can lead to prolonged illness, even death. Age of dolphins in nature tends to be longer than in the pond.


In Indonesia, there are three organizers of circus dolphins; Taman Impian Jaya Ancol (TIJA), Wersut Seguni Indonesia, and Taman Safari Indonesia. Until now, there has never been data collection and tagging of individual dolphins maintained in TIJA, either tagging, RFID / microchip, or verified and published genetic testing. As a result, it can not be distinguished between individuals with each other and can not be known life span (age) in the pool.

Tatang said, the existence of circus dolphins have a major impact for the people of West Kalimantan. There are fishermen supplying mackerel to feed the animals to be stretched, managing events for drawing and coloring children, venue makers, and water providers. "Only Ancol grade A has a dolphin," he said.

Feed is imported fresh fish, the coach is sure. Not infrequently, the coach who tasted in advance the quality of the fish. Tatang said the venue of the show was already in accordance strandar, pond height reached 2.5 meters with a diameter of 10 centimeters.

Not only that, the water used for animals in action is made in such a way that looks like sea water. In addition, at least four posters will be installed in all directions. The contents, the ban pegunjung not to throw the goods or food into the pool.

He also denied torture while training the water mammals. The trainer will build an emotional connection with the animals being trained. In fact, allegations of exposing animals to obey orders were strongly opposed. "If hungry which can be agile," he said. In one day, dolphins and sea lions spend 10 kilograms of fresh fish. While a beaver spends five kilograms per day.

As an EO who, since 2003 in cooperation with TIJA, Tatang is already familiar with the head of this business. Including, face the action of rejection. Sound system problem was not separated from the attention. To avoid damage to brain and nerve function, the event organizer does not use a loud voice. Includes the use of whistles, which are used as a means to communicate. "The show is no more than 15 minutes per day," he explained.

"The 15 minute attraction of the Director General of KSDAE is still exploitation. If the reason for the education please educate the people, but not by involving the animals, "said Darmawan Liswanto, from the Titian Lestari Foundation.

This dolphin show, regardless of its form is animal exploitation. In the original nature, said Darmawan, all the attractions of the dolphins have their own uses for the mammal. "If the reason for education, please do it (education) but do not involve animals," he said. Darmawan asserted, regulations that allow the attraction of animals outside conservation agencies, should be immediately revoked.

In their habitat, they will get acquainted with other dolphins, feeding together, and gotong-royong to stay alive. There is indeed a phase of wandering and dolphins making it separate. However, this is as a process of getting into a new community. This animal is also known as a reliable ocean explorer. "Natural life will tersasung when used as a performance animal.

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