Animals' Messages to Human

in #animal6 years ago (edited)

Once upon a time the Kruger national, Serengeti as well as all the African Savannas were full of different types of animals and birds. With the flow of time many birds and animals have become rare or extinct because of changes in nature and weather. But the most terrifying news for the last 3-4 decades, poachers are killing numbers of animals just for stuffing them to sell their valuable body parts for high market demand and value. What a shame for mankind that we are killing a life just for decorating our living rooms or other places. Just because of that some animal friends wants to send some message to human world according to their personality and specialty.

Lion Resting


Hi there. I'm a Lion and I'm one of the greatest creation in this world. This message is for all the peoples who kill us. I think you are not eligible to take the name of our creator cause you already have lost that right. Even after that I'm begging you to not to kill us. We live on meats of many other animals and just because of our creator has made us like that. As a result you are getting big green savannas. We eat those animals who eats grasses so that the grass land don't turn in to dearest for excessive grazing. Please don't kill me just for making my trophy to decorate your wall. This is a total waste. Even after this message if you want to kill me then please come alone in front of me to defeat me. Don't come to me with guns and bullets. Grow your nails make your hand strong like claws and fight with me if you dare to do so.

Running Cheetah


Don't kill us please. My speed inspires you to run faster. To built faster vehicles. I can be your supreme partner like cats stay with you. I do what nature wants me to do. I'm not your food. Why do you want to kill me then? You want my skin for my beauty? You can make it artificially. If you still want to kill me then let's race. If you win then kill me or you go free.

Careful Impala


I am a little creation of nature. I don't harm anybody. I always want to leave in peace. Normally I have to deal with so much problems like lion, cheetah, leopard, hyena and many more. But human are I mean you guys are also attacking us and killing. Please leave us on our own, We are living a better life. We animals know each others and the way we are living is good, Leave us alone and lets stay us safe. My eyes and head attract you? Take a binocular and see me and my families from safe distance.

Rhino Grazing


I can't see clearly but I can sense and hear perfectly. I can sense who want to kill me and then I go for attacking. But I don't like attacking human. But why do you want to kill us? Do we eat your vegetables or plants? No. We only live on grasses.You kill us for our horns and skin? Dude we are suppose to stay in jungle and on our own. We are not fit for your home. Well you can take us as pet and let us live in your lawn but you can't do what you are doing since years after years. You are acting like coward all these days. You are setting traps, using guns and other means to kill us. If you can resist yourselves from killing us then come with bare handed to fight and win to kill us. But I can promise you that I won't gonna kill you. I will put my horn in your anus and make sure that you are unable to walk forever.

Buffalo Eating


Listen guys. If you want to hunt down us then check out the local news of South Africa. The famous hunter Claude Kleynhans had killed one of our fella. And within ten minutes we gored him. This will be continued in future. We know some of you guys eat our meat. But for that pet species are there. We travel from area to area for water and grass. We meet many people who loves us. But some of you are poacher. We don't like them. All the animals of our kingdom don't like them. They kill us in many manners. Sometime their traps kill us slowly and that agonizing hours are melancholic and miserable. So now peace for peace or an eye for an eye.

Elephant Passing Quality Time


I'm the oldest friend of you the human since my born in this world. I live in your house or in jungle or you circus tent and even I stay in you zoo without any possible hazard. I serve you as i served you before. Many of my brothers and sisters have sacrificed their life in past days when you used to war with swords and arrows. However these days because of most of the animal lovers circus are going off and was is running with most advanced equipment. Now it's time for us to stay as natures beauty and live in peace. Sometimes we attack human places because of their disturbance to us. We want to live in quite and calm place. Our teeth and task is not for your living room's beautification. Death by killing is not expected in our society like your one. So don't kill us until we die. After death you do whatever you want to do but don't kill us. Let us live our life as we deserve.

Predators and preys are not always enemy

Animals are the beauty and the part of t e nature and nature is the source of our life. To save the nature we have to save the animals. Allah has gifted what we need. We need to eat meat. We have chicken, beef, mutton. Even we can get meat from pet buffalo, lamb, duck I mean all the domestic animals which we can pet for meat, eggs and milks. We don't need to kill animals from jungle which are not fit to eat and which are the beauty of the nature and helping us to keep our world safe, sound and suitable for living. So please DON'T KILL ANIMALS. IT'S A HUMBLE REQUEST TO THE HUNTERS AND POACHERS.

Morning Beauty in Serengeti

Al the images are take by screenshot from Nat Geo Wild and Barcroft Animal Youtube videos.

Barcroft Animal:

Nat Geo Wild:


helpful post about know animals

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