If you see those spiders, run away with your life !

in #animal6 years ago

Many people believe that only snakes and scorpions have poison . But in fact, there are more than 39,000 species of spiders around the world and a large number of them are toxic and could kill you in 10 minutes .
Yes , only 10 minutes to kill you !!

1 - Black widow spider (Latrodectus mactans)


One of the most dangerous and famous types of spiders in the world.
She was called by that name because she devoureds her husband after the process of procreation.
It is characterized by its dark black color with red spots on its back.
These species are endemic in North America. The black widow spider is found in temperate regions around the world and more black widow spiders are toxic in the United States.
the venom of these spiders is stronger (15) times than the bite of the snake.
The toxin released by the black widow is called Latrotaxone, the most powerful type of neurotoxin released by black spiders when it bites its victims. The most toxic type is called alpha-latrotaxone, which attacks the nervous system of victims.

This is a picture of a person being bitten by that spider : -

images (1).jpg

2 - Brown Recluse Spider (Loxosceles)


This species of spiders is found in the warmest places in the world.
The spider has about six eyes.
the poison destroys the tissues.
There is no effective treatment for bites of this type of spiders. In the worst case, the parties need amputation because the sting is a deep hole.
Very aggressive and his appearance does not suggest that.
The good news is that this spider is shy and relatively isolated.

This is a picture of a person being bitten by that spider : -


3 - Sandy spider (Sandy spider)


One of the most dangerous types of poisonous spiders and has six eyes.
This spider is colored in sand color and is 14 cm long.
It is very common in sandy deserts in the southern regions of the African continent.
The bite of this spider is lethal to rabbits within 5 - 12 hours according to the tests while no confirmed human deaths occur. The venom is deposited in the blood vessels while the body is destroyed by direct cell death, it's the most dangerous type in the world and capable of killing humans with poison.

4 - camel spiders (Solifugae)


One of the most terrifying spiders in the world.
Giant is 15 cm long and has 2 strong jaw.
He was found in the desert all over the world.
Has the ability to jump very quickly. Its speed is 10 miles per hour, approximately 16 kilometers per hour.
The body feels great pain when stinging but not toxic.

This is a picture of a person being bitten by that spider : -


5 - Brazilian Spider (Phoneutria)

Phoneutria boliviensis _Brazilian Wandering Spider_3_2.jpg

The Brazilian spider bite is powerful enough to kill a human being within minutes if your spider's venom antidote is not taken up and yet treatment in some rare cases remains a Brazilian spider bite fatal bite.
Only 6 micrograms of Brazilian spider poison are enough to kill a 20-gram rat and the Brazilian spider holds more than 10 times that amount of poison.
Located in South America and certainly in Brazil.
It is a large brown spider with a black spot on its belly that can be about 5 cm in size with legs ranging between 12-15 cm.
The Brazilian spider has a famous step, which raises two of the front feet in the form of threatening and then reveals the teeth of red color and then attack the prey and breathe in the name.

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