- Did you know that this sculpture was made by the artists Gillie and Marc Art at Astor Place in New York, USA? UU UU, in honor of the last 3 rhinos white males of the world, although sadly on March 18 died the last one was called "SUDAN", due to an infection that suffered in his right leg at the point where health was getting worse , which will prevent you from standing up and having a very bad time, than the equipment of the natural enclosure you are in, together with the veterinarian of the Czech zoo Dvur Králové and the Kenya Wildlife Conservation Service (KWS) ), decided to send it to another situation and prevent it from having to be more advanced during the last weeks of life, and in this way its species is extinct, which is good for not having to try to inseminate with its own offspring who are two females: Najin, daughter of Sudan, and Fatu, her granddaughter and ensure that the species does not become extinct, although it is very difficult but not impossible.

It is so sad to see how this animal became extinct and all because of the greed of human beings because for years, the poaching of these animals contributed to its imminent extinction, since its horns are paid at prices higher than gold in the Asian market due to supposed healing and aphrodisiac properties, something that makes it a coveted product.
R.I.P. SUDAN 1973-2018 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭