19-year-old cat (Original) 19岁的老猫

in #animal8 years ago (edited)

My wife's hometown in the mountains, every year go the countryside New Year, have seen the cat, first saw the cat in 2001, is my first time to my wife's home, the grandfather raised the cat, was told I have 3 years old, every year to go back, I have seen the cat, my grandfather to work in a local office, the old house did not rebuild, there is a long history,
我老婆的家乡在山区,每年去拜年,都看到这只猫,第一次见到这只猫是2001年,也是我第一次去老婆的老家,小外公养了这只猫,那年告诉我这只猫有3岁,以后每年回去,我都见到这只猫,外公一家在派处所工作,家里的老房子没有重新修建,有很悠久的历史,属于村里保留很古老的房子, 平时就这一只老猫生活在隔楼上,从不去管它,只有过节他们才回来.

How long is the cat's life, I used Baidu and google search, usually in 13-15 years, but the cat is currently 19 years old, The reason why this cat did not die, because it's very smart, only grasping live mice and birds, who give it meat do not eat,the village's neighbors are particularly fond Of it, as long as the cat to stay a few nights, there is no mouse, I saw it, still alive, two claws are still very sharp, still robust, maybe the cat can break the world record,Become the world's longest-lived cat!
猫的寿命有多长,世界纪录是多少,我查询了下百度,一般在13-15年, 但这只老猫目前19岁,这只老猫之所以不死,是因为非常非常聪明,只抓活的老鼠和鸟类,任何人给的肉它都不吃,山里人捕捉野兔的夹子从未捉住过它,村里的邻居也特别喜欢它,只要这只老猫呆上几晚,就没有了老鼠, 今天回去,我又看到了它,还活着,两只爪还很锋利,依然健壮,也许这只猫能打破世界纪录成为世界最长寿的猫

The house is also very old
这房子也挺老的,挂一排伟人的画像, 房子的主人其实就这只猫在住



猫能活这么久,超出我的想像,小时候我家也有只猫,猫到了冬天怕冷,总喜欢上床,我不喜欢它上床,而且猫喜欢打呼噜, 那只猫死后,之后就再没养过猫, 这只老猫是我老婆家,她叔叔家的一只猫, 这么多年还活着,农田打药都毒老鼠它不吃,今天吃饭,给肉都不吃,现在是成了精了 :)



Wow for 19 years! and he looks so healthy, what a beautiful cat, I also had a cat who was very old but still so strong, anyway upped!

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