Predatory,wild and no pets!

in #animal8 years ago

Many wild animals living on our planet. What do you know about the wild animals? Let's look now more sharply defined wildlife...


Animal has a resemblance to the usual domestic cats, but they are slightly larger. predator body length excluding the tail of 52-65 cm, and with it - about 1 meter. The largest representatives of this species can gain weight up to 5 kg. Predator inhabits mainly in Central and Middle Asia. But also found in other regions, including Russia. Ration his food up the mouse, squirrels, quail, lizards and other medium-sized animals. On average, Pallas' cat lives 12 years.

Pampas cat

Pampas cat, another name - herbal cat. its body length of 76 cm on average, and with a tail of about 1 m. withers animal can reach 35 cm. The weight is not more than 7 kg. Lives cat in the grassy plains of South America, feeding mainly on small rodents, birds and eggs. Fears of large predators. An average lifespan of 12 years.


It is a relative of the ocelot, but much smaller than him. The body length is 60-80 cm margayya, and taking into account -1-1,2m tail. By weight it is quite tiny cat with weight up to 8 kg. Predator prefers to live in the dense plot of forests in Central and South America. It feeds on birds, small mammals, lizards and frogs. Sometimes it can eat porcupines and sloths. On average, the beast lives about 10 years.

Jungle cat or eared lynx

Carnivorous mammals is quite impressive dimensions compared to home pussy. His body can be up to 60-90 cm without the tail. The predator is gaining weight up to 12 kg. Habitat is quite wide: Asia Minor, Central Asia, the Caucasus, Dagestan, etc. In spite of this jungle cat is very rare species which is on the verge of extinction and listed in the Red Book of Russia. Animal prefers to hide in reed beds and shy away from open areas. It feeds a predator, like many of his relatives, rodents, rabbits, ducks, pheasants, cloven-hoofed animals cubs. It is also a good swimmer, who is not averse to hunt and fish.

Far Eastern (Amur) forest cat

The body excluding the tail is in 0,75-0,9m long tail -. 35-37 cm Weight predator more often than not exceed 6 kg. Habitat beast chose the Far East and the Sea of Japan. The main delicacy Siberian cat are small rodents, birds and their eggs, rabbits and chipmunks. Also, a large predator is not averse to hunt deer. The average life expectancy of 10-12 years.

Golden cat

Her body with the tail has a length 0,9-1,2m and the height at the withers 50 cm. Males are larger and can weigh up to 14 kg. It's quite a rare species of the cat family that prefers being alone. At night, the predator goes hunting, and in the daytime resting in the tree crown.

Cat fisher

Its body length is 0,96-1,2 m, and the height at the withers -. 40.6 cm weighs the animal is not more than 15 kg. The second was the nickname of a predator because of his virtuosic ability to produce fish. Excellent swimmer and angler has a very powerful and strong constitution, and it is able to cope with cubs cloven-hoofed animals.

Serval or cat shrub

This elegant long-legged animal reaches 65 cm at the withers, and the body has a length of 0,9-1,35 m. During hunting serval is able to make high jumps up to 3 meters. This innate hunters who are able to remove the food from under the earth, water, and catch it in the air, making a high soaring jumps. Middle relatives predator is considered to be a lynx. The population is spread virtually throughout Africa. Serval peculiarity is that unlike their close wild relatives, they are easily tamed, and are able to live in captivity. Males can mate with ordinary domestic cats. As a result, there was a hybrid of the savanna, which is considered the largest among domestic cats.

Gobi (China) cat

This species can be found only in China, in mountainous areas. animal with a tail length of 0,98-1,4m and weigh up to 9 kg. Height can reach 35 cm. Externally, the predator is a bit like a lynx due to small brushes on the ears. He is one of the rarest animals, the population is estimated 10 thousand individuals. Its diet includes not only small animals, but also the larger rodents - moles, rabbits, zokor. Also, these individuals can eat reptiles and birds. Life expectancy - 12 years.


Its dimensions are impressive: in the animal reaches a length of about half a meter 1-1,4m and the withers. The adult weighs about 16 kg. Habitats population are tropical forests of America. The main diet of ocelots is composed of small mammals, birds, reptiles and even snakes. The largest predators are able to cope with even a pig and a donkey.

(Information is partially taken from source: )

And lastly lovely friend)

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