Let us also take care of Street dogs, cats and other stray animals despite the grim condition caused by corona outbreak.

in #animal4 years ago

Hi friends!

(pixabay image)

Corona outbreak has put a brake on our lives. It has forced us to close our industries, transport, shops, businesses and many more. It has not only affected us but also have affected animals who are solely depends on us. In some parts of the world people are deserting their pet animals because of fear of corona infection. However, there is no evidence which shows that corona infection spreads from animals to humans.

Also, streets dogs, cats etc. are suffering as some generous people used to feed them regularly but now they are forced to stay inside. So, these animals are on brink of starvation. Authorities should also consider well being of these animals as they are also the part of our life. Animal lovers should be allowed to help these poor people.

This is the tough time for us but, we should not forget humanity and kindness.

Thank you for reading.

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