Great post. Excellent break down and objectification.
Being that kind of conscious is, in my opinion, the best way to get a grip. Unfortunately, beyond the conscious aspect, there's still the emotional component to contend with. Seems sometimes, no matter what good advice you give yourself, all you do is send it scurrying under your skin.
TBH I don't see much good ever coming from anger, no matter how righteous it is. Seems to me the less emotionally involved I am, the less likely I am to regret my responses.
Thank you kindly for the comment @heretolisten. ^_^
Yes it is always easier to flow with your emotions than to seek to keep them in check. As with many things, honing one's perspective and grounding oneself in one's principles (i.e. practice and training) are required to improve one's self-control.
Anger is a vehicle for testosterone and aggression. These ingredients 'can' be helpful when trying to survive a life-or-death event. Fortunately we rarely find ourselves confronted with such situations these days.
Thanks again. :c)