I Feel Sorry For Anyone Who Hasn’t Used Cryptocurrency

in #andyhoffman6 years ago

Thus far, crypto investors’ focus has been solely on PRICE, despite claims that ADOPTION, UTILITY, and SOCIAL BENEFIT – in varying degrees - are of primary focus. To that end, I’d bet at least 80% of crypto investors’ ONLY transactions have been purchases and sales from exchanges; a small subset of which, sent or received crypto to or from online or offline hardware wallets.

When doing so, you understand how incredible, disruptive, and world-changing crypto technology is relative to archaic legacy banking…just as holding a gold or silver coin in one hand; and a flimsy, weightless quarter in another; demonstrates how much more valuable Precious Metals are than fiat currency.

That said, those who USE cryptocurrency regularly; be it Bitcoin or altcoins; REALLY understand how amazing it is…and consequently, that there’s NO CHANCE it doesn’t make a MAJOR impact, both PRICE and ADOPTION-wise, in the VERY near future.

Franky, I feel sorry for anyone who hasn’t used cryptocurrency – as not only are they missing out on the AUTONOMY, EFFICIENCY, and EXCITEMENT of the FUTURE OF MONEY; but the basis for what could be the best FINANCIAL INVESTMENT of their lives.

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.19
TRX 0.15
JST 0.029
BTC 62817.54
ETH 2573.14
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.74