7/08 ANDY HOFFMAN (CryptoGoldCentral.com): The Speculative Juices Are Returning to Crypto!

in #andyhoffman6 years ago

For a guy just 5’8, 140 pounds, I fight like a pit bull for what I believe is right; and when you’re in the public eye, the fight can be bloody - particularly in crypto, a space dominated by young, tech-savvy participants.

Just yesterday, someone hacked one of my personal email accounts, and created fake accounts on the BRhodium Discord chat room to troll me. This, whilst another WCN personality – with ZERO financial experience – continued to relentlessly troll my Twitter account because I have the gall to criticize his hero the KING TA FUDster…or as he will be known from now on, the EMPEROR OF NEGATIVITY. This, despite the fact that he has been MISERABLY WRONG about his Chicken Little forecasts…


…just as he was last year, when he repeatedly, disastrously so, underestimated Bitcoin’s power….


The way I see it, the walls are closing in on the bears – who, for various reasons, choose to ignore the most wildly bullish fundamentals in Bitcoin’s history…at a time when its valuation, as measured by the Mayer Multiple, has never been cheaper.


The time to SHUN these trolls is now – as with each passing day, the odds that the Bitcoin price bottomed at a $100 billion market cap grow larger; setting us up for the next, monster leg up…hopefully, sooner rather than later.


To believe otherwise – in a world where fiat currencies are serially plunging; Precious Metal demand is dead; BTC technology innovation is exploding; and signs that the speculative juices are returning to crypto are proliferating - is a financial death wish; which, if heeded, could prevent participation in the ADOPTION PHASE of the most important, world-changing, and SCARCE invention in financial history.


One of the oldest Wall Street adages is “price follows volume”…and indisputably, volume is returning to crypto in a major way. To wit, Ran NeuNer – like him or not – pointed out Thursday that crypto exchange volume is rapidly rising…which I’m guessing TA “gurus” like the EMPEROR OF NEGATIVITY aren’t mentioning, in their quest to convince you the sky is falling.


Equally important, PUMPS are returning to the sector; i.e., as blatantly bullish a development as you’ll find – like Super Bitcoin and Steem last week (which have since subsided); and BDiamond yesterday, which held most of its gains overnight. Which, I might add, is wildly bullish for the rapidly approaching BRhodium launch – which in my view, is setting a new standard for altcoin innovation.


Heck, a microcap altcoin called Bitgem apparently spiked because it uses the same ticker as BGold – which itself has been rising on the heels of its latest hard fork, created to combat the 51% attacks it has become vulnerable to. Which, I might add, will shortly be a moot point – as mining demand increases commensurately with prices; causing strengthening networks, and reducing the incentive to attack them.


Throw in the fact that altcoin developers will unquestionably respond to such threats (as BGold’s did) with technology upgrades, and it becomes patently obvious that the great altcoin crash of 2018 is looking more and more overblown each day. One of the first articles I published at CGC last year discussed the TRILLIONS of dollars’ worth of capital heading toward the crypto sector – which I assure you, will not ALL go to Bitcoin.


So whether you are a “Bitcoin Maximalist” or not – as I am investment-wise, in terms of my personal risk profile; to ignore the fact that altcoins are here to stay would appear unwise.


Speaking of Bitcoin, no sign of the SPECULATIVE JUICES RETURNING is more important than the return of BTC price premiums in Southeast Asia – like, for instance, the current premium of more than $300 at OKEx, Huobi, HitBTC, and others…and oh yeah, Binance (even if it’s no longer headquartered in Asia). We haven’t seen anything like this since January, but we’re seeing it NOW!

So, if you want to stick your head in the sand and focus on those that pitch NEGATIVITY in the face of historically POSITIVE fundamentals, go right ahead. As for me, I’ll keep HODLing my Bitcoin, and attempting to capitalize on the biggest investment opportunity of our lifetimes.

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