6/15 ANDY HOFFMAN (CryptoGoldCentral.com):Things You MUST Know To Successfully Register For The MWC Airdrop For Bitcoin Holders – Don’t Mess This Up, As MWC Will Be The Most High-Profile Crypto-Dividend Yet!

in #andyhoffman5 years ago

Yesterday, I wrote of my VERY strong view that the current, massive crypto rally represents the BEGINNING OF THE DIGITAL AGE.


As well, that now that the crypto investment community is starting to understand the potential of MimbleWimble (i.e., HUGE Grin and Beam price gains this week), I expect the MimbleWimble sector (Grin, Beam, and MWC) to be worth AT LEAST $1.5 billion by year-end versus $60 million today.

In my view, there is NO WAY the cumulative value of the three coins whose technology is VASTLY superior to Monero’s won’t be worth more than Monero’s current market cap of $1.5 billion – now $1.6 billion, after yesterday’s rally. In other words, I expect MWC to be the most high-profile crypto-dividend ever!


The MWC, or MimbleWimbleCoin registration process commenced April 20th, and continues until the July 19th snapshot. All details can be found at www.mwc.mw, of a process the development team has painstakingly designed to be as easy, user-friendly, and efficient as possible.


Before registering, you MUST read the “warnings” page we put together, to ensure you do not accidentally register for less than the full amount of MWC you are entitled to.


PARTICULARLY, the section about “change addresses” – i.e, a process in which many online and hardware wallet providers move Bitcoin to new addresses you are not aware of, that do not show on your device’s view screen.

Understand BTC Change Addresses

“It is VERY important to understand that due to the way most Bitcoin wallets are implemented, it is very possible that addresses you THINK have Bitcoin in them do not. Essentially, Bitcoin wallets create “change addresses” each time you send Bitcoin from your wallet, that may send some or all of your Bitcoin to DIFFERENT addresses within your wallet, that don’t show up on the view screen. Fortunately, MWC’s airdrop registration will have a feature that tells you how much Bitcoin each address you register contained. If the total Bitcoin in the addresses registered is less than the total in your device, the balance is most likely held on change addresses.

If this is the case, you can BEFORE you register, send all Bitcoin in your device/wallet to yourself, to a single address in that device/wallet. In other words, consolidate all Bitcoin in that device/wallet to the same address – enabling you to register just ONE BTC address, to claim ALL your MWC. Or, if you feel more comfortable, you can seek expert help, such as Rocky Palumbo at http://www.justlearnbitcoin.com/packages.html.”

Thus far, 25,000 BTC have been registered for the MWC airdrop. Remember, you can register as much BTC as you want, and the process is NOT “first come, first serve.” Thus, I expect the vast majority of registrations to come in the final weeks, from investors fearful of this very change address phenomenon…which fortunately, is very easy to avoid.

Overall, six million of the lifetime cap of 20 million MWC will be airdropped to BTC holders, with another two million allocated to the “MWC HODL” program; i.e, an in-kind dividend awarded to holders who do NOT withdraw MWC from their wallets over specific, yet-to-be-determined time intervals.

Today, the MWC dev team launched a website enabling you to verify the BTC balance on all registered addresses, described below. Thus, you can now check if the total amount of BTC you registered is the actual amount recorded by the airdrop database.

Trust me, if you moved ANY Bitcoin from the device you registered it from, even if you have since sent it back, there’s a good chance it resides in a new, unobservable BTC address within your device. Yet another reason, by the way, why Bitcoin holders should thank the Bitcoin Rhodium development team – for pioneering the airdrop process, and enabling the MWC team to help registrees maximize airdrop proceeds.


Finally, I want to highlight another section of Chris’ article – yet again, to ensure you don’t accidentally claim less, or none, of the MWC you are entitled to.

“As indicated in the MWC white paper, the end of registration and snapshot date will be July 19, 2019, the three year anniversary of “Tom Elvis Jedusor's” MimbleWimble white paper publication.

Specifically, we intend to close registration at 1 pm EST (New York time) and take the snapshot at 2 pm EST. Please don't move coins immediately after that, as we have a script that will run at that time to calculate final allocations. The script should run very fast, but please wait until we announce it has been completed before moving BTC from those addresses, in case there are any complications.

Shortly after that, we intend to publish the final allocations. You will then be able to login and confirm the amount of MWC you will receive on our website. These are the logistics for now, and if we have more details we will update everyone. Thanks again!”

PLEASE take steps to ensure you do not make a careless mistake – as MWC will be an EXTREMELY valuable crypto-dividend. If you have any questions, simple go to the “airdrop registration questions” room in MWC’s Discord community, and ask away!

The MWC airdrop registration for Bitcoin holders will continue until the July 19th snapshot. For more information, please check out the MWC website, Discord room,
Twitter feed, and Telegram Forum.


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