6/04 ANDY HOFFMAN (CryptoGoldCentral.com): Is MimbleWimble - The First “Hot Technology” In Crypto Since The Lightning Network

in #andyhoffman5 years ago (edited)

Cryptography is such a massive technological breakthrough – specifically, its utilization in secure, peer-to-peer currencies - that in and of itself, its impact is ALREADY as big as the internet itself…and will be felt for generations, to the point that our children will likely use “cryptocurrencies” as ubiquitously ten years from now as iPhones today.

That said, within every technological boom are new sub-concepts that periodically, and inevitably arrive, to dramatically change the sector’s growth trajectory…as in the internet in 1999, and cryptocurrency in 2019.

I have passively followed crypto since late 2013, and actively since early 2016 – and during this time, few such “hot technologies” come to mind – as frankly, the focus thus far was simply building Bitcoin adoption, and introducing altcoins (most of which, are useless pump and dumps).

The first big technological breakthrough I can recall – as a subsector of the current protocol – was SegWit in August 2017, that solved the malleability bug that until then, prevented the utilization of second layer technologies in Bitcoin (and of course, enabled victory in the Bitcoin/BCash “scaling debate”). In turn, scaling technologies like Lightning Network and RSK were enabled, which are still in their early stages of what could turn out to be enormous growth.

That said, there’s no way to “invest” in the Lightning Network – and in the big picture, if Bitcoin is to ever effectively scale - at rates where it can truly compete with Visa and U.S. dollars - a broader protocol change is required. Not to mention, the fact that Bitcoin has major privacy and fungibility issues that CANNOT be solved with current protocol.

The answer, of course, is MimbleWimble – which I became aware of when still a “Bitcoin Maximalist,” with regular programming on the Bitcoin Maximalist Network…I mean, the World Crypto Network. Numerous times, the crypto tech experts interviewed there mentioned MimbleWimble’s potential – but I had no idea what it actually was until contacted about the MWC (MimbleWimbleCoin) project by its lead dev, Chris Gilliard in January 2019 - just as the first two MimbleWimble coins, Grin and Beam, were launching.

As it turns out, MimbleWimble is such a MASSIVE upgrade to current blockchain protocol, its all but GUARANTEED to be incorporated into Bitcoin (and many other cryptocurrencies) in the not-to-distant future. MUCH more scalable, MUCH more private (with no non-privacy option); and thus, 100% fungible.

There was some early excitement when Grin and Beam launched – but unfortunately, their exponential supply growth, that Chris warned about, was not heeded. And thus, while their cumulative market cap (of about $37 million) has been steady in recent months, their prices have plummeted, conversely to the exponential supply growth.

Moreover, the big BTC rally has until now, been very Bitcoin-centric, causing investors to lose interest; in my view, temporarily; in many quality altcoins. Which I guess is an oxymoron, given how few “quality altcoins” exist.


That said, MimbleWimble is indeed a hot crypto technology – in my view, the most revolutionary since the Lightning Network itself (which, by the way, is 100% compatible with MimbleWimble technology). And since MWC will be the BEST MimbleWimble coin – with low supply, an in-kind dividend, and distribution via a FREE airdrop to BTC holders; not to mention, with a dev team rapidly expanding the frontiers of MW technology; don’t be surprised if MWC is the hottest “IPO” in crypto history!

The MWC airdrop registration for Bitcoin holders will continue until the July 19th snapshot. For more information, please check out the MWC website, Discord room, and
Twitter feed, and Telegram Forum.






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