4/18 ANDY HOFFMAN (CryptoGoldCentral.com): BRhodium – Bitcoin HODLers’ Ultimate Altcoin Diversification

in #andyhoffman6 years ago

With altcoins exploding higher, I am more confident than ever that the four-month cryptocurrency bear market is over.


As we learned in June of 2017, and January of 2018, when the sector gets hot, capital races into altcoins at a mind-numbing pace – yielding dotcom-dwarfing gains, given how small, and thinly-traded, the altcoin sector is. For Bitcoin Maximalists, it can be quite annoying watching junky altcoins rise faster; even if, as we learned after last summer’s ICO crash; and February’s altcoin meltdown; their downside during downturns is far greater.

That said, Bitcoin HODLers would love exposure to altcoins’ upside potential – which is why cryptodividends have been such a great added benefit. The problem being, that aside from BCash – which has maintained a significant valuation due to the cult-like following of the Bitcoin Judas operating it like a criminal operation – most cryptodividends have been abject failures.

This is why BRhodium is so exciting – as when it launches in the coming weeks, it will be the first Bitcoin cryptodividend to have a viable, long-term use case - of the “ultra-scarcity” Bitcoin can never subsume. Moreover, given how wisely the airdrop was schemed, most BRhodium will be held by Bitcoin whales with no incentive to sell.

In my cursory valuation analysis, I have used other Bitcoin cryptodividends as proxies of what BRhodium might initially be valued at – as in my view, all will ultimately be worth less. It may take time – for investors to learn of the story, and gain trust in the stability of BTR’s network, liquidity, and availability. However, even at half the value of useless forked coins like BGold, BRhodium will be the second-highest priced cryptocurrency…behind only Bitcoin itself.

So, to Bitcoiners who were proactive enough to go through the process of claiming their FREE BRhodium – congratulations, you will shortly own the ultimate HODLers’ altcoin diversification!


How can we claim BRhodium?

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 60192.33
ETH 2321.67
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.50