3/23 ANDY HOFFMAN (CryptoGoldCentral.com): BRhodium Surges On Huge Volume – And The Public STILL Has No Clue!

in #andyhoffman6 years ago

I have been involved in BRhodium since the day Adam Meister made me aware of this unique crypto-dividend on his show, back in December 2017. In the ensuing 16 months, it’s fair to say I’ve spent more time and capital working on this nascent store-of-value crypto than anything else – both personally and professionally.

Given all I’ve learned over a 30-year career, I believe the future of money is crypto, and that there will be MANY winners in the coming decades - as was the case in the internet boom that started 25 years ago, and continues stronger than ever today. Spending all of that time and money supporting BRhodium entailed risk, of course - but the risk has subsided as the coin’s unparalleled, anonymous devs; and burgeoning mining and Discord communities; have dramatically raised its profile, and legitimacy. Not to mention, the 100+ articles and podcasts I’ve done, on what I believe will be one of the BIGGEST crypto winners of 2019 and beyond.

Early this week, I wrote of how surging Rhodium prices were portentous of what’s to come at BRhodium – and later on, that XRC is destined to be a “whale coin,” in which the vast majority of its extremely scarce float is held by a handful of mega-whales. In that article, I estimated “a dozen or so holders cumulatively hold 350,000-400,000 of the existing 840,000 XRC – not including the devs, who likely hold close to 100,000. Throw in 250,000 in the Strong Hands escrow account - that will take eight years to distribute - largely, to this small group of mega-whales; and that’s around three-quarters of the entire float. Not to mention, whatever part of the development budget hasn’t yet been spent.” In other words, it’s quite possible that at least 80% of the float is indefinitely locked up – BEFORE THE PUBLIC HAS EVEN HEARD OF IT!


Well, the public is about to hear of BRhodium, in a BIG way – which is probably why the price surged yesterday on big volume, mere hours after being listed on the Trade Satoshi exchange; which in turn, paves the way for imminent coinmarketcap.com listing.


Not to mention, the “most important news in BRhodium history” – the public release of its code March 31st, which in turn will enable submission to the largest, most well-known hardware wallet provider. Throw in the privacy features that will be added in the second quarter; and perhaps, some other positive surprises; and it wouldn’t surprise me if XRC is a top 50 CMC coin by year end. And by top 50, I mean it’s current market cap of roughly $10 million would need to rise to roughly $125 million – compared to the useless fork known as “Bitcoin Diamond,” at $130 million.


Anyone following crypto knows that all it takes is exposure, legitimacy, and marketing to add tremendous value in a very short time. In BRhodium’s case, 16 months of hard work have set the stage for ALL of these things to occur NOW – so while the handful of whales sit on 80% or so of the float, the entire investing public will sometime soon, by intensely competing for what’s left.

If you have any questions about BRhodium, or XRC OTC trading, please email me at [email protected], or DM/PM me on Twitter or Discord.

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