3/12 ANDY HOFFMAN (CryptoGoldCentral.com): Privacy Will Be the Crypto Story of 2019 – And BTC Holders Will Receive The BEST Privacy Coin, MWC, For Free!

in #andyhoffman6 years ago (edited)

For more than a year, privacy has been a major buzzword regarding the future of crypto technology. In fact, when I asked Charlie Lee about privacy in my first CGC interview, upon launching my business in September 2017, he said it would be a top priority for Bitcoin…but not until scaling issues were solved first.

Eighteen months later, scaling has not been “solved,” but is being advanced dramatically via the Lightning Network and other nascent solutions. However, privacy is back in the limelight; perhaps, more quickly than Bitcoin developers would have liked; for two key reasons. One, increasing KYC issues - as governments become relentlessly more inquiring; and two, the emergence of long-awaited, revolutionary MIMBLEWIMBLE technology.

With the launch of Grin and Beam, investor interest in privacy has surged – so much so, Charlie Lee himself capitalized on the MimbleWimble hype by mentioning it in association with Litecoin, despite the fact it’s unlikely to be incorporated anytime in the foreseeable future. And it worked, causing Litecoin to have a significant price bump – on hype, far more than reality.

Meanwhile, Grin’s market cap has risen to roughly $14 million (and Beam, $6 million) – though incredibly, Grin’s per unit price has fallen 50% from last month’s high. The reason for its relentless market cap rise, thus, is its hyperinflationary supply inflation is so intense, it is more than compensating for the price decline. Beam, by the way, does not have an infinite supply - but at 263 million, might as well from the perspective of investors.

Meanwhile, MWC, or MimbleWimbleCoin, is advancing its code far more rapidly than anticipated, ahead of the scheduled April 20th opening of BTR airdrop registration. Unlike Grin and Beam, it is being given FREE to Bitcoin holders; has a 20 million lifetime supply cap (to be mined with the same POW inflation schedule as Bitcoin); and will include a HODL dividend scheme, for merely holding the coin without selling.


Now that MWC’s Discord room is open, you can actively engage with the extremely proactive MWC team – as we move toward the reality of what will be the BEST MW coin, that BTC holders will receive later this year, for FREE.

Stay tuned, as the MWC airdrop registration begins April 20th, ahead of the July 19th snapshot. For more information, please check out the MWC website, Discord room, and Twitter feed.




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