Thursday nights show 20170922 Andrew Joseph Ostrowski

in #andrew7 years ago

Glen M Sutphin shared his post.
September 20 at 9:37pm

Glen M Sutphin
September 20 at 9:36pm
What he put out and what happened are two different stories. I also have proof of his crimes and am pursuing legal means against him now that I know where he is. What everyone is putting out about him is false. He's not what he appears to be.
Go to my blog for the real story.

Judicial Reform Activist and Attorney Abducted by Police While Broadcasting
By Janet Phelan Judicial reform activist and radio personality Andy Ostrowski has been taken into custody against his will and forced into a psychiatric…

Kim Weigal Glen, here's the facts and they can be viewed on camera outside his residence. He's been threatening the FBI, family and others on a daily basis. These emails consist of about 24 plus pages of threats, he has restraining orders and this is the 3rd time in 7 months he's been 302ed. Since everyone claims it was an "evaluation", he would be out on a false 302, he would be home. This all can be viewed on the churche's cameras, he viewed the warrant and had a scanner to absorb people into his tunnel and post his claimed false arrest. I'm not an officer and only the police were there, NOT 1 Other person. He begged me to come see him last night as he claimed the FBI, family and government are trying to kill me, not true. If these emails were ever posted, people would understand. Remember there's 3 sides to a story-that person's, the other side and that wonderful thing called the middle.

Glen M Sutphin I know I have received some of the emails and threats myself. I can't post them for the slander and libel to people mentioned. I fully comprehend what is going on.I sound like a fool for not being able to tell the whole story but believe me I understand. I'm also going to the police with what I have and hope he gets the help he truly deserves.

Glen M Sutphin he has destroyed people lives and needs help. but he also need to pay for his crimes.

Kim Weigal Agree!!

Kim Weigal Glen, you have no idea what these emails contain, they're vile, scary, threatening and extremely concerning. I'm sorry but he created his own mess. His family cares and are caring and concerned. He's not a victim and I wil pass on, if needed. He will manipulate anyone that buys his bullshit, sorry called it as I witnessed and have the info

Glen M Sutphin if they match what he sent me I can assure you I know.

Kim Weigal I'm not sure if the FBI is going to persue anything yet

Glen M Sutphin keep me posted, they can talk to me if need be as well.

Kim Weigal PM me if you need additional info. It's scary, and I'm tough skinned. His poor family, so sad

Glen M Sutphin I can imagine

Kim Weigal Glen, is you blog ""?

Activist Post - Alternative News & Independent Views
Latest alternative news from independent journalists…

Kim Weigal Yes, it is. Philip D Anderton is your partner in this, he's extremely knowledgeable

Glen M Sutphin no my blog is

Lordnelga's Weblog - Psiberrealm

Kim Weigal Glen M Sutphin, this is a post by the family.......To “friends” of Andy Ostrowski and others, from the Ostrowski Family: Yesterday, at our request, the police removed Andy from his apartment and took him to a local hospital for a psychiatric evaluation and treatment. We are grateful to the police and the mental health professionals at the hospital for their professionalism and cooperation with our request. We made this difficult decision out of care and love for our brother and son, Andy. His history of problems and his increasingly erratic and irrational behavior over several months had us gravely concerned for his well-being. There is much more to this situation than what has been posted on social media. This action was done by his family and is in no way whatsoever a part of a “conspiracy” to silence, imprison, drug or murder him. Any such conspiracy is utter nonsense. We ask those of you who are continuing to encourage his behavior by propagating these conspiracy theories to stop at once. Any of you planning to disrupt his treatment are wrong and must stop. Your actions will only serve to prolong or prevent his recovery. We hope and pray that someday our brother and son will be well and ask you to honor these wishes.

Glen M Sutphin been sharing that.

Kim Weigal Please do. The family is loving, caring and genuine-he needs help.

Glen M Sutphin I agree.

Glen M Sutphin but there are so many kool aid drinkers that believe the lie it's no funny

Kim Weigal Copy/paste her post everywhere, please

Glen M Sutphin I'm putting the truth out there but the lies he told are sticking fast. I have been putting it everywhere I see the lie posted. I'm also going to the police and fbi with what I have as evidence against him. I hope he gets the help he needs but he will answer for his crimes. I don't feel he is a bad person but he has done bad things and has to answer for them.

Kim Weigal What groups have it posted? I'll go and comment too

Glen M Sutphin there are too many to list, and I'm being tore up by the people on them. can I use your comments here in an article and on the radio tonight when I cover this?

Kim Weigal Yes you can

Glen M Sutphin thanks, that will help more then going to each group.

Glen M Sutphin people only react any more not do a little research on things and believe lies and fake news

Kim Weigal Glen M Sutphin tell these "supporters" to go read his sister's post on his page, that will stop them

Glen M Sutphin they have and don't believe it. his cult following are idiots. but that's why they follow blindly.

Kim Weigal Glen M Sutphin did you copy and paste her post and tell them to go to his page and read it?

Glen M Sutphin yes still they believe there is a conspiracy against him, but they'll see once I get out there the truth. hell I've seen it all before, and in the end they'll wonder what the fuck I am for holding to the truth.

Kim Weigal Amazing!!! Are you on any of the emails he sent? I'm on the family email, which would bring the truth out. Glen M Sutphin, I'm not bashing him but he has caused so many people so much stress, grief and worries. I really hope he gets the help he needs this time but he already plans on signing himself out in 4 days

Glen M Sutphin yes he sent me a few, yeah that concerns me that's why I'm trying to get this all out there so he can't work his bullshit on people and trying to get my evidence seen by the proper authorities so maybe i can stop them from letting him out. He'll lie and they'll release him and he goes back to terrorizing people. Don't know why PA does nothing when they obviously know he a treat.

Kim Weigal Glen M Sutphin I will forward you the emails that concerned us. You can PM your address if you would like

Glen M Sutphin okay

Kim Weigal The worst part about this is these people don't know his family and how vile he was to them in the past 9 months. They didn't deserve that treatment and abuse. Believe me, I've had my share too

Glen M Sutphin I've put up with his shit since 2015, so I feel for them. He has terrorized the hidden valley advocates since then non stop, everything is their fault because they don't want anything to do with him. And he has threatened me, I told him to bring it on. He should be glad I don't live up in PA. Because this would have ended a long time ago.

Glen M Sutphin sent you a PM with my email

Kim Weigal I posted the family's comment too. These people have zero respect for the family

Glen M Sutphin they believe his bullshit and have no respect for the truth. But that's their right. They're what we call wrong. But it's ok the truth on the matter will come out and some will feel really stupid for believing him, others will still be stupid and believe him.

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