Have you ever asked, Is The Whole World CRAZY?

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

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Asking questions is just the beginning, seeking answers will TRULY rock your world if you are willing to throw away EVERYTHING you believe and start from SCRATCH! truth.jpgThe point of this is to hopefully, help those who are awake or awakening, optomize our special skill of uncovering truth. No matter if you just started awakening from a long deep sleep or you are an experienced truth veteran having woken up a long time ago, I have seen on youtube far too many “awake” people, who are still missing the bigger picture, or are too invested in some of their own limiting beliefs.
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Its VERY apparent to me now that there are MANY different levels of AWAKENESS, and I believe from my own recent experience in waking up, that its these different levels of Awakeness that often cause confusion to us, confusion as to who we CHOOSE to “believe” is telling truth, and confusion as too who we CHOOSE to “believe” is telling Lies. I suspect many are like myself, and slowly, we gravitate towards watching youtube videos of those who’s beliefs closely align with our own.
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This can be a slippery slope as I found out recently. It seems to be a natural trap of our Ego, to keep itself in control, it makes us comfortable and confident that WE KNOW the truth, and that can and WILL blind you to new truths you would otherwise be learning.
The DEFINITION of Waking Up is:
: to become roused from sleep; awake; awaken; waken (often followed by up). 2. to become roused from a tranquil or inactive state; awaken; waken: to wake from one's daydreams. 3.

Your EGO, EVIDENCE and the fight to keep an OPEN mind.
To the Un Awake – the term “AWAKE” is a condescending term, its an INSULT, it IMPLIES “THEY” are still ASLEEP. And THAT IS THE RUB. Until you start to wake up you HAVE NO IDEA how IGNORANT you TRULY are AND WORSE YOUR EGO WANTS to and does everything it can to help KEEP you IGNORANT, so BELIEFS end up becoming FACTS to those still fast asleep, and anyone who contradicts those “beliefs” WILL TRIGGER an EGO attack aimed directly at them! This usually shows up as ANGER, DERISION, or RIDICULE it is ALWAYS directed at YOU, while NEVER addressing ANY of the EVIDENCE you present!

ad-hom-3.jpgThis is known as an ad hominem attack, and that is, essentially attacking the messenger not the message. The ego wants us to CLING to our current beliefs and most often the ego DIRECTS us to DEFEND our BELIEF BEFORE any investigation into any of this new “so called “ evidence.
So, it seems to me, our EGO pops up, pretty much anytime someone challenges a current belief of ours, no matter if we think we are awake or asleep. When the Ego pops up, if you do not spot it, it will CLOSE the mind down, no matter if you are awake or not, and once the mind closes any possibility of LEARNING something new is made almost impossible. The Ego has then won that battle and Ignorance is the REWARD for those that did not catch it rearing its ugly head..

Many who we know are sound asleep claim to be very happy and are not interested in new information, this is known as a state of BLISS, which one definition states funny enough as,”to reach a state of perfect happiness, typically so as to be oblivious of everything else”. Sounds familiar to me!


The ZOMBIE to FULLY AWAKE spectrum of awakeness.

At the lowest level of function the in a normal human mind we have what I like to call the Brain DEAD Zombie = The Ego of the Brain Dead zombie seems to be in TOTAL control. NOTHING can get through.


The next major step up from the Brain Dead Zombie would be those who I call ASLEEP = these people are very CLOSED MINDED(although they don't think so), their Ego is mostly in control, BUT occasionally they can listen to some ideas that resonate for some reason, though most likely they are not listening, and are really looking to prove you wrong first, but they will somewhat listen somewhat. I think the asleep are the largest segment of society, they have hope, I think I was asleep.


The next level up is those who I call AWAKE = so the awake person has a mind that is OPENED, however more often than not, I believe the Ego still interferes frequently, in so much that, often newly acquired beliefs become irrefutable FACTS, which is really not where we want to be, and can really slow us down on our path to enlightenment.
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So Finally we reach the Highest level of a fully functioning human brain and I call these lucky souls the FULLY AWAKE= I believe the single difference between awake and fully awake is that a fully awake person has ZERO EGO interference, they have Conquered their ego to the point that they can spot it immediately when/if it shows up, and then they ignore it. So there seems to me a spectrum of awakeness : from Brain Dead Zombie with the Ego in full control to Fully Awake with no Ego, and somewhere in that spectrum of awakeness each of us reside, the better you are at identifying and accepting where you reside, the faster you can move towards becoming FULLY AWAKE and removing the EGO from your life.

Regarding, the rare FULLY OPEN MIND, The TRUE “AWAKE” person with no ego.
FULLY AWAKE PEOPLE as I said I believe have NO EGO, they are just along for the ride in the passenger seat so to speak, keeping their eyes on the road for their driver, looking for any new “evidence” as to spotting any danger or preparing for where to take the next turn so as to reach their destination of true enlightenment in as efficient manner as possible. They EXPECT and ACCEPT to find that some of their current beliefs are NOT truth.

If you watch some of my prior videos, you will quickly see someone who gets pissed off frequently at people and situations beyond my control, so I still have lots learning to do, BUT the good news is I AM ACTIVELY FIGHTING my EGO now and I am AWARE that I am being manipulated by my Ego.


This realization happened over the course of the last few weeks actually. That is just ONE of the Many Benefits of waking up, learning to either SPOT your OWN personal weaknesses or learning to ACCEPT criticism by others and possibly gain from it after looking at the evidence. What got me to consider I was ACTUALLY angry was it took about 3 or 4 friends and family telling me how angry I sounded when I spoke or when they saw my videos.

At first I thought I was being “Passionate” but at some point recently, I finally acknowledged to myself that they were right, I was angry and anger over something I have no control over. In my mind anger is a WASTE of energy, it does nothing beneficial for me so lots for me to gain by working on not allowing my EGO to take over, especially for something of which I have little to no control. Had I been more open minded at the time, I believe the first person, maybe 2, to mention my anger to me, would have been enough for me to start a self examination, so this stuff can save you time and energy IF, we apply it daily.

The Wake up Trick.

The wake up trick is the one that really messes lots of people up when they first wake up, and often it seems like the “trick” is never going ever stop. So, at some point in waking up we quote “see” something or we are exposed to something that A) we formerly thought of as IMPOSSIBLE B) we never thought of before but now, we KNOW it to be true, but in any case we now hold a belief of which the MAJORITY of society does NOT either believe or are even AWARE. A few events that have triggered questions range from considering 9/11 was an inside job to 9/11 no planes, from Flat earth to Hollow Earth, from chemtrails & vaccinations being dangerous, to God existing or not, from spotting false flags or hoaxes, to questioning the Moon Landings or whether there are aliens living on the moon, to do Reptilians really exist, you name it, the Rabbit hole goes deeper and deeper and no matter which of these woke you UP, and no matter how much evidence you have supporting it, you will soon find out that ALMOST NO ONE you know friends or family wants to hear your CRAZY thoughts.

In fact many friends and family will tell you- YOU NEED Psycological HELP, I’ve been told that a more than few times !

And thats the WAKE UP Trick, its messed up, and 9 months in to this rabbit hole of truth, tnothing has changed. For myself, the wake up trick seems similer to going through the 5 stages of grief, only YOU WILL MOST LIKELY be shunned by friends and family while going through this process, so be prepared, its not a party.

The five stages of grief are, denial, anger, bargaining, depression and acceptance –
Some of us may skip some of these stages when waking up, or experience them in a different order, but from what I hear and know from direct experience you can expect an emotional rollercoaster.

I believe, there is a driver or catalyst that is hidden and almost required for the process of waking up to start, and that is usually at some point, something happens in our life, we may not even notice the effect it had on us, it could be anything, a divorce, a new job, a family fight, getting arrested for a dui, whatever it is I believe it is usually something that seems to that person as a profound happening in one’s life and it causes a paradigm shift in one’s belief system.

As an Example, take anguy who loves his wife dearly and does EVERYTHING right and his wife the same too him, only one day he wakes up and finds out that his wife has decided to leave him for another man. This action by his wife was never entertained as even in the realm of close to possible by the man, yet it happened. Even if nothing changes immediately in this mans life, this person NOW TRULY KNOWS by DIRECT experience that ANYTHING can happen even things we CANNOT IMAGINE, and often I believe that’s what it takes to OPEN UP an individual who is sound asleep, to allow that person to even become susceptible to waking up. So instantly in an event like this you can go from a Brain Dead Zombie to most likely a low level of “awakeness”.

I believe this is how I started to wake up, we had a huge family fight over our family business and everything I believed about my family went in the trash. So in essence think of Waking Up as THE ENTRANCE to the rabbit hole of TRUTH. No ONE is able to even able to see the Rabbit Hole of truth until they can see that their own Ego has mislead them in believing things that just were not true. The better your ability to overcome the Ego, the DEEPER and faster you will travel down the Rabbit Hole of truth and enlightenment.

I think we have MANY in the truth and FLAT EARTH community such as myself who get “Stuck” so to speak in their OWN “TRUTH” because they have not yet recognized that their Ego is STILL holding them back from yet even MORE TRUTH.

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As an example, it was when Loose Change came out about 9/11, I remember that one particular video shook me up, and I would say helped to wake me up, along with around the same time ironically, Alex Jones. Loose change seemed to lay out many of the questions I had and gave some pretty good ideas as to the answers, really I liked it because I agreed with the analysis, even though some things did NOT add up. That was in 2006. I was awakening at age 35. In my early awakeness, I thought I had 9/11 figured out with Loose Change, and that includes me, throwing out the evidence that at the time my Ego just could not accept, the evidence was the no planes theory shown in an excellent video called September clues. I believe this theory came out sometime after Loose change and I judged it “too crazy” to be possible and chose to IGNORE the evidence.

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So I had watched the video September Clues on the nose out theory, and had seen the “nose” of the plane go through the building, which I knew was impossible. At that time, this seemed just too farfetched to me, so I just excluded it, no reason, I just did not have an answer, so it was much easier to not count it as evidence, or so my Ego told me. Fast forward 10 years, and just this past week I went back and rewatched September Clues and the no planes theory and it now seems painfully obvious to me to be true, especially with my new belief that crisas actors exist. Armed with my new belief and hard evidence of Crisas actors in 9/11 the jump to 9/11 being a Hoax where few if any really died, becomes much more likely.

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I only learned about 4 months back about crisas actors,it watching PlasmaBurns 3 hour long video called the Boston Unbombing, over and over and over to finally accept that I had been duped at a level that I almost could not comprehend. It too a month straight of watching many many other Boston Marathon Bombing videos identifying actors and unnatural movements before I came to the realization that Crisas Actors was real. Talk about the Ego and cognitive dissonance on full throttle.

So the point is I was in the front door maybe even a few floors down rabbit hole back in 2006, and I did have some truth and MY truth was Loose Change evidence of which a lot is TRUE to this DAY.

But my truth then was LIMITED by my ABILITY or really lack thereof, to accept EVIDENCE that did not conform to what I had constructed in my head as possible, my EGO just would not even allow me to look at the evidence. So for 10 years I stuck with my same belief that 1,000’s died on 9/11, heck I personally knew 2 people directly affected, I am currently re investigating 9/11 because I now believe there is MUCH more to that story, than even Loose Change looks at, and that it is highly likely no one died, crazy rabbit hole eh?

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HOW does this apply to FLAT EARTH?
Regarding flat earth, I suspect many are like myself, when you first discover the idea, Flat Earth makes almost EVERYONE Laugh, but then since we are somewhat awake already, we decide to take the step of LOOKING into what we expect to be UNLIKELY evidence for it, and for myself and again I suspect many many others, almost 10 minutes in to Eric Dubays The History of the Flat Earth and I was shocked at my thinking of just how much sense he and the evidence he was presenting made. With each new piece of Flat Earth evidence the Ball seemed more and more unlikely. What a trip!

Flat Earth truth is not quite so easy to come by these days, from paid shills, to gate keepers who give you a partial truth, to MSM painting Flat Earthers as Nut cases, to Flat Earth infighting, to suppression of videos, suppression of tweets, suppression of social media, to youtube reducing the quality of flat earth videos, to unsubscribing subscribers to popular youtube channels and recently DEMONITIZING flat earth and truth videos. For a newbie to learn flat earth today is NOT so easy as it was 9 LONG months ago for me.

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The fact is I believe we experienced quite a lot of Flat Earth burnout taking place. All of the bigger lower hanging well known Flat Earth evidence is out there. The ship over the horizon, nasa lying at every turn, water always finding its level, the list of the low hanging flat earth evidence is LARGE BUT it’s pretty well established.
So now we are debating where and what we live on, some think that we live on an infinite plane, some who think we live in a dome, some who say we live on a flat disk, some say we live in a hollow earth, some think there is a hole in the north pole and heaven resides underneath while the majority of society continues on believing that we live on a ball spinning 1000 mph at the equater, rotating around the sun at 66k mph, while the sun travels something like 400k mph while the galaxy travels who knows how fast.


ALL of these theories REST on EVIDENCE, and much of that evidence can be tested or verified by you alone, and that IS OUR job as a FULLY awake HUMAN. IF OUR MIND IS FULLY OPEN and we do NOT have our EGO interfering, we WILL most likely find some TRUTH in many of them. For me personally, I KNOW Nasa LIES, the EVIDENCE is there to prove it, I do not think it is proven yet that no one is in space, YET that is my belief, based off of many pieces of evidence in total. If evidence end up Proving that NASA is in space it will require me to rethink everything regarding flat earth, but isn’t that the point? As most here know, there is not one single continuous video from NASA that shows going from earth to entering low earth orbit, not a single video, maybe that will do it for me maybe it will take more I do not know. All we can do is weigh the evidence that we understand and make a determination.


It has taken me 7 months to accept that paid shills are real, it took me 6 months to accept that Crisas actors are real. It took me 8 months to understand that PARANOIA about who I was talking too was a reasonable emotion, all of this progress took a lot of work and time to understand and accept as even possible. This is all part of TRUTH. Personal Development goes hand in hand with TRUTH seeking. Yes, there are some paid to deceive us, but funny enough those same deceivers must give us some truth or NO ONE would listen too them EVER. So to the truth community and the Flat Earth community within it, I would say remember the VAST majority of us are for REAL and just want the TRUTH and enlightenment, but just because someone thinks and sees evidence that differs than what you or I currently believe does NOT make them a liar, more often than not, it is the difference in ones ability to ACCEPT the evidence, not the evidence itself that causes the disagreement.

Yes there are liars and disinformation is everywhere, and that is why we have EYES that can see when others do not, and that is why we have ears that can hear when others cannot, and that is why we have been given the rare gift of an OPEN MIND, to help discover the truth and to help others free themselves from the prison of a closed mind.



Best. Post. Ever. I felt your passion reading this. My thoughts:

  1. The awakening process can be very lonely.. especially when family/friends remain asleep.

  2. I've noticed a pattern that many people experience a tragic event in their lives that causes the awakening process to begin. Something that turns their world upside down in an indescribable painful way. (Mine was like your cheating wife on loving husband story.. only reversed)

  3. There are endless rabbit holes.. some without ends. But the journey to the truth is what matters.

  4. Ben Franklin, my man.. "one must work hard to remain stupid" .. right?!?!

  5. I believe the awareness of what power your ego fights to have over you is a sign of enlightenment and you are on the right awakening path!

  6. I'm grateful for living in this moment in time.. to have this amazing way to connect with others like yourself who are on their own awakening path, yet have much in common with my own.. to ease the feeling of isolation.

  7. I am not going crazy.. I am waking up! (I still have to tell myself that somedays) lol

Thanks! I am so passionate about this I have no one left who wants to talk or deal with me lol. I am getting better at this but wow, slow learner I guess.

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