How I became an Anarchist and didn't even know it.

in #anarchy7 years ago
It was my first tattoo 21 years ago, while studying psychology and philosophy. I quickly decided psychology was mostly a huge scam because of legal reasons. And psychiatry was evil because of my own personal experiences with crazy drugs I never needed that put me in the hospital. My dad just died and my parents were getting divorced and still I had a good sense of humour. It's ok to be sad for a bit without crazy heavy drugs, also at the same time I was diagnosed with the brand new ADD and all within 15 mins and required heavy dosing. Bullshit all of it. I discovered weed for safe relaxation, went to college a few years later to get the rest of my credits, then University when I became a counsellor and worked with the mentally ill, and than later children. Realized I liked Philosophy and then on to television and film. I forgot to mention that my school gave me 2 days detention upon arriving from my dad's funeral because, policy stated I only had the right to a day and a half for immediate family. He died Saturday and I was back to school Thursday. They insisted I see the school counsellor who, to be sure I was all right, suggested I see a psychologist for a bit. I was 15 and a popular kid. The school had a 12 day out attendance policy. Break that and you're out. Even though they sent me, and I had all the notes, one class equaled a day. I was out. The counsellor quit her job over it even. We (my mother and I) had meetings with the the school only to get the the coldest fish shoulder. The school went through a rash of suicides over the next few years because of these cold policies in my opinion. Mathieu Martin, suicide High and guess why. I also forgot to mention the vice principal was my uncle. However a great big thank you to the government school system that has allowed me to see things the way that are and allow me to make a living brainwashing you all for 20 years now as a television content creator. I've been lucky most of what I've worked on has had integrity. However, In the word's of a friend of mine, it's called programming for a reason and I've been the programmer for many many years and for millions of viewers. You've been lucky it's me but It would be nice to put those skills to use other than selling commercials, so I do that in my spare time.


Don't rebel against paragraphs! Be an anarchist in everything but your writing. This wall of text will only be read by people who love you. If you want a broader audience, use paragraphs.

Thanks for the advice. I just started writing and the whole thing poured out raw. I will do that in the future and I fix this one up a bit when I have a chance.

Interesting life story. Very gutsy admission. I understand the indoctrination process all too well, and you’re right, we’re lucky it was you spinning the stories and not some puppet promoting communism under the guise of socialism. Although I don’t believe in total anarchy, I do believe that governments are too often and mostly driven by corruption and greed, by the people who are supposedly entrusted to protect ones rights. The problem I see with the elimination of government, is that there would be no one to curb the violence that would most assuredly plague humanity. Basically human beings are ignorant, irrational, and violent, at least a high enough percentage of them are, to insure that there will never be peace on earth. Governments may place restraints on people, but people never stop proving that they, in fact, require restraint. Good post, I upvoted it.

Thanks for the comment, insight and opinion. Very much appreciated.

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