in #anarchy6 years ago

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Is anyone's thoughts really original? The Question isn't.

Think about it for a moment. How we think is based on the logic of what we know already here. It's our base of operation so to speak. Anything "new" is somewhat questionable, because it's really always been here and it's just a question of "awareness" of what is here. Tuning in.

Within an invention - things mostly don't work and a small percentage of the time they do.

It's important to understand and know the spectrum of how things work.

Knowledge is Power and Power Corrupts Absolutely - When you are masquerading as Superior Being

We are a dumb lot. The intelligence of humanity is our greatest pit fall. It is in the "knowledge as power"...this secrecy, like everyone is their own private bank where their mind is the secret vault...and everybody is playing this game and it's a zero sum game. The game continues because it's always producing lotter winners - who get an upgrade - a new "thing". This new thing can be any variety of things. There's a lot of things to entertain the baby with.

Competing against one another for scraps.

That's the basis of a zero sum game. If we really think about it - collectively as a species there is very little trust existent in ourselves. This is revealed through the way we speak about ourselves and each other. There's this arrogance that is rather prominent in placing ourselves above this point of justifying our "rewards", "treats", "privilege" where we make sense of the cognitive disconnect. This is done through "intelligence". It's like the psychology of poverty as "in to lack you all"...where there will be a shortage...a supply and demand that cannot be filled so there's this disproportionate unbalance and the "intellectual" can craft a dynamic word play to confuse and steer the less informed into a cage of inferiority to the information. It's a form of bulling. The irony is that the "intellectual" often doesn't realize their own biases...and programing....which, consequently results in perpetuating a cognitive dissonance.

What are the consequences of Intellectualism?

  • Earth being a factory for slaves.

  • Lack of Critical Thought.

  • Inferiority masked as superiority.

  • Serious mental health issues.

  • Corruption and Greed.

  • Abuse and Suffering.

  • Poverty.

Why the fuck-up with Intellectualism?

Making Sense of Non Sense. Believing your self to be rational when you are irrational. It's layered programming - where the thinking "makes sense" and is thus "reasonable"...and there's this belief that because you had the thought...there must be some legitimacy and authenticity here. The irony is mostly "No" there isn't.


World Politics.

There's not a lot being broadcasted about how the whole world depends upon one thing...and one thing only for the movement, sustainability and functioning of the planet.

That one thing is "Money".

We, collectively haven't pushed the point enough of speaking how it's the "money"....and it's "all of us people" that are responsible for the "money system".

Years and Years of Abuse.

The history of abuse is extensive.

The pain, the grief and the grieving. It's shocking.

Much trauma exists throughout humanity.

In a way, - Humanity is merely but a traumatic experience if we take a macro perspective.


Talk About Money.

  • How should it function?

  • Should it function the same everywhere?

  • How can we organize ourselves?

  • Is there preventive measures we can put in place?

  • Is there too much control?

  • is there too little control?

  • Do all humans need a lifetime supply of money?

  • What would the quality of life be collectively if money was sorted out so that it was no longer a need for everyone here?

  • Has our very thinking been suppressed and compromised over the years as a systematic reaction to a toxic world?

  • Would humans be in such a race if money was sorted and accounted for?

  • Is the starting point of Life - "What can you give me?"...."what can you do for me"..."How can you be deserving"?

Opportunity to Create Change

  • Crypto is an awesome ice breaker into the tentacles of the world system. Money is at the core of everything here. Life is also at the core of everything here. Thus, creating a harmony and a sort of union between "money" and "life" - The opportunity exists to create the Narratives here. The story - the reflection, the education....the mathematics on how we go about existing.

  • There's much wrong with the structure and the infrastructure of the world system. Primarily because money has been the primary method of control and enslavement.

  • In some ways it has been equally so through information. We are carriers of information. This is why despite all the dollars that are spend on advertising - the very best form of advertising, is "word of mouth"....passing a message along directly - Peer2Peer...p2p.

The middle class has greates opportunity and responsibility as social influencers.

  • it is the masses of people that ultimately determine the status of the world. The middle class represents "riding the line"...playing both sides against each other.

  • In a way - currently - the middle class is what drives the "power ball lottery" and "celebrity'ism". It's bullshit. At the same time it's justified because it's like a game of "snakes and ladders", where the goal of the game is to "snake" your way to the top of the game while avoiding to fall off the ladder and into the pit of snakes where all the snakes are fighting to get to the top of the know, to be the "kings of the castles".

We are capable and able to create a new world money system. One that can be self-regulated. One that prevents human corruption. One that is transparent.

  • In all honesty - nobody knows exactly what this will look like. What this in fact means. It's an open source project. It's global in scope. It's a creative collaboration experiment and everybody is a part of the process.

  • interesting times

Cheers to an Extraordinary 2018 & Pushing the Narratives About Money and Creating a Better World for Generations of Plants, Animals and Humans to come.

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What a lovely post it is! ....... @worldclassplayer. Now a days technology helps to improve ourselves. Specially Cryptocurrency, it is not a lottery win. 'Crypto is an awesome ice breaker into the tentacles of the world system. Money is at the core of everything here. Life is also at the core of everything here. Thus, creating a harmony and a sort of union between "money" and "life". It is important to understand and know the spectrum of how things work.Knowledge is Power and Power Corrupts Absolutely - When you are masquerading as Superior Being. I appreciate your solution. Great effort and good job. Thanks a lot.......

Highly rEsteemed!

@worldclassplayer (62)Could the financial system be turned on its head so that it would be a help to everyone? Would that make it be a better world? Is a basic income the first step towards a more prosperous Society? @steembasicincome emoji house with wings flying around a big sack of money, imagine a scenario where everyone gets a stipend and the way to get more is by giving it away emoji big stacks of dollar euros having little stacks like babies, and by creating content upvoting and promoting one would receive more emoji person trying to hoard and give away at the same time🐷🐋🐦

Make it a premium to give to those that have little emoji small people like in Gulliver's Travels, game the system if you will because the more you give the better it gets emoji whirlpool planetary oceanscape🌠🌋☔🌝🌈🌊

knowledge corrupts because it is not wisdom.

wisdom is knowledge applied.

we suffer because knowledge is prized above wisdom.

wisdom tells you knowledge is limited by the data present, you don't know everything and you know it.

we need more wisdom, more spirit in our discussions and decision making.

It reminds me the beginning of learning the programming while I used to use hours for this and at the end there always have some error which makes me angry only and then some of my friend help me out with the basics and thought of next level which reduces the time beyond expected.

There are some really good thoughts and questions here. I believe at some point our normal 'money' will deflate to it's actual value: zero. It will be a huge surprise to find that the most esteemed money in the world is actually worthless. And it's not because Americans are lazy or lack innovation. It's because we gave up our lawful money back over 100 years ago.

There are a few assets that are abundant in the world. These will never lose value (this is the short list): "labor", "virtue", "trust", "skill", "resources". This is what TRUE money looks like and all other money just represents these things. That is how in ancient times, people could exchange their MONEY for the labor of a slave. It's also how our labor can be converted into money, even today.

Knowledge is Power and Power Corrupts Absolutely

This reminds me of the verse: "Knowledge puffs up, love builds up." Any esteem gained by knowledge alone is empty and can be deflated in a moment. All it takes is to be wrong once and much of that knowledge power is gone and discredited. But if you have built up relationships with people in sincere love, being wrong is quickly forgiven and all the esteem remains intact.


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great post i want to contribute in a way that, crypto provide a new ways to individuals like us, i believe that it will change world economy in a way that it will result in decrease in poverty, provide new ways to invest and earn

appreciate the way you identify consequences of Intellectualism, so much true the factors you mention above especially Corruption and Greed, Abuse and Suffering, and Poverty. i agree with solutions you provide:
|Crypto is an awesome ice breaker into the tentacles of the world system. |Money is at the core of everything here. Life is also at the core of everything |here.i am thankful to cryptocurrency it give us a hope to survive in capitalism market system

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