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RE: Watching Child Porn Is Okay Says Ethereum Owner Vitalik - When Anarchy Goes Too Far

in #anarchy7 years ago (edited)

Those beliefs are not anarchic or libertarian beliefs, it are his personal beliefs. I'm an anarchic individual (I have no rulers) and I don't hold those beliefs in fact I oppose them.
You could write about me having the opposite stance and call that anarchic or libertarian beliefs, but they would not be that they are my personal beliefs.

Btw they talk about legalizing as if it's a thing.
If someone declares heroine illegal that doesnt mean I have lost the right to put in my body whatever I want to, be it heroine or arsenicum. I have the right to put everything I want in in my body. no one can stop me by declaring it illegal or give me permission by making it legal the next day.

All this is ok for me to do as long as I don't steal hurt murder rape or harm , someone else. In CP (CP=child pornography) there is another human being involved which is harmed. (the child) so in my opinion it's wrong.
But it has nothing to do with legal or illegal.

Anarchism is not a group of people with the same belief or political stance. It's A-political.

So you can't say; this person says he's for CP , and this persons calls himself an anarchist, so all anarchists are for CP
I, for instance, am an anarchist but it believe CP is wrong.

Or you can't say; this person says he's for CP , and this persons holds the anarchist belief, so all that hold the anarchists belief are for CP
There is NO anarchist belief, I don't belief in anarchism. Or to say it in other words, It's not a believe that, I have or should have no rulers....I know, I have no rulers. I rule myself, judge myself, and control myself.
I own myself and all my actions.
I know this sounds like a bunch of semantics but i..m.h.o. you can't make things too clear.

But to make it complicated; In statism they have made an arbitrary line at 18. Which would mean that if a eighteen year old girl would have had sex with an 17 old boy, even if it was consensual, she would be guilty.

This is the danger of statism.
I personally belief people have to think for themselves, and make their own decisions about right and wrong, most people haven't done that (jet) they always got along with "if it's illegal it's wrong, and if it's legal it's right" , totally not training their own consciense or judgement "muscle" and acting on it.
And if they never think about that for themselves, they will never act on certain crimes because....well they never thought about them as crimes Let alone acting to prevent, or condemn and fight those that do the crimes. They shifted the responsibility to prevent evil in the world to other people, so they don't have to confront or deal with criminal behavior their own lives, very convenient.

It's a good thing you wrote this post, thank you.


This is such a good answer, I want to give it the time it deserves to respond. Right now I'm off to pick up my daughter from school, but I will respond. Thanks for your comment.


i disagree there needs to be order in the land. drugs and illegal porn are items that cause crime and downward slide of society. they do not make things better, they cause harm to one self and others
even when someone does drugs and claims they have right to do what they like
they are in deed causing harm to others, as they are impairing their judgement and causing them to do bad things that harm people, either directly or indirectly.

Let's say I do drugs (alcohol for instance) Do you think it's ok for you to put me in a cage because it's your opinion, I harm myself directly or indirectly?
What if your opinion is that my eating habits are causing me harm or the people I cook for. Would than would you then use violence (harm me) to prevent me from (in your opinion) harming myself and others?
What do we do about people who hallucinate (without taking drugs) that they are the absolute decider of the universe en are so high on power, that they imagine the can use violence to impose their opinion on others and punish the sinners who don't abide by their commandments?

when it comes to the safety and well being of others, then what you are doing is a negative effect on other people , it could even encourage others do the same, then yes i think something would be needed to treat the problem or even just get rid of the problem. what ever means it would take to get that influence away from others.

"You" don't solve drugs or other problem through violence. That violence would even create more drugproblems or other problems. Sadly most people are addicted to violence because they do not want to take the responsibility upon themselves to help people in need of help, they want some violent entity to solve the problem for them. And try to create their idea of utopia with the violence of the state which always ends in more death, destruction and misery, than what the original problem consists of.

I don't do drugs alcohol etc. If someone has a drugs related problem I talk to them not get the state to put them in jail so it's not my problem anymore, I would not find myself a caring human being who tried to make the world a better place if I let them be kidnapped and locked up in a cage. But that's my personal opinion.

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