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RE: The paradox of being “anti-capitalist” in a capitalist society

in #anarchy6 years ago

I think the act of recognizing that you are programmed and can reprogram is more significant than you make it out to be. A new kind of openmindedness can open up from here and then experiences will still be seen through the lens of past experiences but we are able to begin to see the lens, characters in a story who know they are characters in a story. This is quite profound and if it was truly widespread, I beleive the Culture would be much more proactive and accepting of as many kinds of people as possible.

So...who’s going to start the buttsniffing club on steemit? ;-)


Another way to look at it is not as "programmed vs re-programmed", but that in fact we are in a constant state of BEING programmed. From that perspective the challenge is easier to see. Namely, how do we choose our preferred programming? What is the NEXT BEST STEP for us to take?

All that we have learned from the past has brought us to our present, less than desirable, current state. That implies that we are not capable of knowing/discerning the next best step and therefore impotent to choose the next best step . Historically humans have never learned from their past. If we had we wouldn't be in our current state. Why should we suddenly expect it to be any different? Libraries are filled with pithy tomes of how we OUGHT to be. They describe in great detail the desired state for humanity.

We know WHAT we ought to become; we just don't know HOW to become. If we did we would have already arrived. A second possibility is that we are simply POWERLESS to affect what we know to be true.

For me the relevant question to ask is HOW does the individual achieve that next state. Philosophy hasn't helped any more than religion has. What has science added to the progression of mankind other than bit and bobs of knowledge? (and they can't even agree on those) Which revolution, social or intellectual, has not reverted back to the state they fought to escape?

Going back to the example of truthfulness, why do we still lie if we know better?

Of course if we could influence our future programming it would solve the cultural bias blight from which we suffer. For now living in a foreign country and learning a foreign language might be the next best thing. But for Americans even that is no guarantee with our myopic view of most things.

Our sense of smell, or rather the profound lack of it, is another discussion. For many animals smell defines a significant percentage of their world view. Just imagine if we could still smell the receptiveness of a prospective mate how much simpler life would be. No, I'm afraid our butt-sniffing days are lost forever. Pity! ;-)

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