Update! - New Videos on Vid.me, Trouble with Recording/Editing Videos, & Upcoming Projects (09/12/2017)

in #anarchy7 years ago

I'm finally rendering out last week's The VolAnarchist Show podcast after a rough week of trying to deal with things going on in my personal life, as well as trying to stay on-track with my regular schedule. I ended up publishing a video this past weekend, which was a VA Extra video on my take of the talk about Theory of a Deadman, in regards to their upcoming album and why people aren't liking it thus far.

The reason why things were so hectic last week, which I briefly mentioned in a post on Minds.com, was because I had to take care of my girlfriend, who just recently had some oral surgery done to get rid of a tooth that's been bugging her for months now. I spent a majority of my time tending to her, making sure that she took her medications and changed her gauze, and giving her some extra lovin' since she was in a moderate amount of pain.

Today, I've been able to get the rest of last week's work finished and I'm going to be working on some fresh content for this week. Expect another VolAnarchist Show episode by this Friday, as well as another VA Extra and some more episodes of VolAnarchist Plays: Indigo Prophecy! As I mentioned in VA Show #7, I've also been having some issues in recording gameplay, seeing as the in-game volume gets excluded from the recording whenever I either end the Fraps recording or if I "tab out" of the game and try to pick up the recording afterwards.

By the end of the day, I hope to have the rest of Episode #1 finished, Episode #2 recorded, and VA Show #7 up and online on Vid.me! I've been thinking on whether or not I should do other VolAnarchist Plays videos while I'm recording for Indigo Prophecy and I decided against it, given my wacky schedule and how much content I'm trying to deliver already within a week. What I'll end up doing is just going through one game at a time, completing each game before I move onto the next. Other than that, everything has been alright and I will give you all more updates on Minds if anything else comes up!


Dry Spell...

21 days agovolanarchist 32 in blog           I haven't been writing on Steemit like I would normally like  to within the past few weeks. Some of it is due to unforeseen  circumstance, but the main reason is because I feel like there isn't  much worth talking about in the news. Sure, I could write about  Charlottesville, I could talk about the US Navy's recent clusterfucks in  the Pacific, and I could probably force myself to write about the Trump  administration having an "Alice in Wonderland" moment in constantly rearranging cabinet members.           The key words in those efforts would be "forcing myself",  which is something I'm very much against, in terms of writing and in  usage of social media. I give myself a lot of leeway when it comes to  what I post on Minds.com, Twitter, or Gab.ai because my intent behind  using those sites is to engage in conversation and to lackadaisically  post blurbs on various things.           When it comes to the articles I post on Steemit, however, I  prefer things to be a lot more serious and I'm relatively strict in what  I allow myself to post online. On Steemit, I write about news stories  that I find to be interesting and pertinent, I talk about cultural  issues that I feel need addressing, and I'll post my "Weekly Advice" articles on aspects of daily life that aren't appreciated or well-understood.          I often like to refer to writing as a way of "taking a  mental shit", expelling all of the thoughts and opinions in my mind that  have been racing about and transcribing them into a physical form. I  like to be careful about when and how I do this, especially as a  political/economic commentator, because of how many others are out there  doing the same thing.             I try my best to set myself apart from other content  creators because I don't want the sentiment behind those thoughts to be  lost in translation, due to the fact that I chose to talk about the same  damned things that everyone else and their grandmothers are ferociously  blogging about at the moment. It's not like I've lost the passion for  writing, otherwise I probably wouldn't have made this post or continue  using social media in the way that I do.           The problem that I'm constantly running into is finding  things that are worth my time in thinking about, researching, and then  writing an article about. If I wanted to cop out and make a post for the  sake of just writing, the top 3 things I would've gone for were AntiFa  in Boston, the search for Seamen lost from the crash between an oil  tanker and the USS John McCain, and cryptocurrencies still soaring in  the markets.           However, I'm not keen on grabbing low-hanging fruit and  forcing myself to speak about it. There comes a point when the attempt  to continuously say profound things just becomes profane in its effort,  which is something I am constantly checking myself for. Talking about  AntiFa, Trump being an inept president, cryptocurrencies being market  oddities, the Alt-Right being just as whiny and pitiful as the Alt-Left,  and any other talking point you can find under the "Trending Hashtags" title becomes nauseatingly excessive and unneeded.          People that end up in protests like the ones in Boston,  Charlottesville, and other places across the US are the exact same  people that will go on for DAYS griping about the same  issues, no matter if they're actually saying anything meaningful or  useful towards achieving what they set out for. They use social media  outlets as a way to feed an addiction for attention and over-sharing  everything that passes through their minds.          Whether or not the outrage and remorse they express over  current events is genuine or feigned, people who feel the need to say  their two cents on every issue end up losing a lot of value in what they  say. Their attempts to stay relevant and add their own commentary to a  current event ends up being an unappealing, unceasing episode of  hysterics.           So, I just want to end this by saying that I'll probably not post many more articles for a while. The usual "Weekly Advice"  articles will still go up and I'm sure the occasional odd-ball piece  will come up every now and again. But until things change in the news or  if something comes up that I feel is worth discussing, I'll probably  just hang back and refrain from writing. 

Thank you all for your continued support of the VolAnarchist brand! If you like this content, please be sure to up-vote it and feel free to share it with others! 

If you have any suggestions on articles for the near future or if you would like to see any changes to the current format, let me know through contacting me on the social media platforms listed below: 

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