Why I Think God Is An Anarchist

in #anarchy8 years ago

It doesn't matter if you don't believe in God, just assume there is one for the Hell of it... ;)

To me it seems that God must be an anarchist, and anarchy is the true natural law.

How Can You Know God's Intent?

Free Will. Just that. The rest of this is just filler... :)

There's only one possible reason for giving your creations free will: Because you want them to be independent. Independent people don't need rulers.

If the intent was to create slaves, then a robot-mentality would be much better.

What possible use could God have for slaves anyway? (I'm not talking about the Elohim/Anunnaki false gods - they apparently did need slaves.)

What would be the point in creating a whole Universe, filled with robot slaves doing pointless shit you just made up? It'd be just a vast clockwork trinket, a folly with no purpose. And it'd be just really fucking annoying, like those 'music-boxes' that play horrible jangly noises, or a train-set.

God's Slightly-Retarded Children

I think we're God's children, and this could be our pre-school... This is the place us widdle-kiddies go to learn basic manners before going to big-school.

That's perhaps one of the reasons why life's short. There's not that much to learn. Just the real basic morality stuff. It's not rocket-science.

Here is where we learn not to do all those disruptive things that would just annoy all the more mature students, like rape, murder, theft, lying, extortion, etc. etc...

Why would we even need these skills if we weren't intended to be freely interacting with others, un-ruled?

Would You Enslave Your Children?

If God's the 'heavenly father' and we're His children, then He could be expected to treat us the way we treat our own children - i.e. you give them space to grow up their own way, in their own time - so they can be themselves.

While our kids are small we protect them and lead them away from harm, but we don't expect our children to stay as kids forever. That'd be a nightmare. We want them to grow up and be our equals. (In fact most of us'd like our kids to grow up better than we are. Then they can look after us in our old age.)

It seems pretty clear that we're being trained by God to be able to handle our independence, so we can grow up and be our own rulers. God wants equals - not pets.

We all clearly have a lot of growing up to do, but there's only one possible direction given the fact we have free-will - to anarchy, and personal independence.

Thank you. :)


Read The Torah.

I did. It doesn't mention God at all, only 'the gods'. The 'Elohim' - aka the Annunaki / Anakim.

The Torah is basically, God setting up a nation, ruled by Him. A counter with so more rules, they call them the "law of Moses"

To know the truth about the Bible, the works of Mauro Biglini, and Anatoly Fomenko need to be taken into consideration...
There is a God, but there are also 'gods', and our history isn't what we've been taught...

Why would the works of a modern revisionist, Anatoly Fomenko, attempting to rewrite history through bizarre theories help my understating of truth. Why would i need Mauro Biglini to come up with his personal biased translation based on his opinions of the Hebrew Bible When i can just read it in the original Hebrew. I study under Stuart and Pratico.

Hi @melek (no reply option on your post below...)

Why would i need Mauro Biglini ...

Because you seem to say that Elohim means God, when it actually means 'the gods', plural.
I know the trad explanation for the plural, but it doesn't wash.

The Elohim are not the highest creator, they are a creation. The true Creator isn't even mentioned in the Bible.
You only have to read the first page of Genesis to know it's not the One True God, because they say: "Let US make man in OUR image". It's all in plain sight...

And in fact, we can determine that the Elohim were actually human, and capable of interbreeding with humans from Genesis 6, and all that follows after. So obviously they're not deities, but people. Fairly bad people by all accounts...
And Mauro has a point. Why would God like the smell of burnt flesh? That sounds just plain demonic...

So basically, you take everything the bible says..throw it out the window...make up some stuff...and call it a day...and follow the writings of people who spent their lives studying a book they do not believe in.

We have difference of belief, it will probably always stay that way.

The common understanding of the bible held for 1000s of years is less important too you then some very modern 20th century writes.

That is you belief system. Its interesting, but the quotes you have picked are being interpreted by assumption. They best interpretation of a text is the simplest. "The lord your God is one"

What do you think this means?

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things were made through him, and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life, and the life was the light of men. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it."

"Why would God like the smell of burnt flesh?" Have you ever had roasted lamb.

here is a good quote "For judgment I have come into this world, so that the blind will see and those who see will become blind."

So basically, you take everything the bible says..throw it out the window...make up some stuff...and call it a day.

No, that's what you're doing. I'm working on the what the Bible actually says. It's you who's projecting a set of beliefs onto it, and throwing the content out.

And Yahweh liked the smell of burnt flesh, not roasted. It's called a "burnt offering", not roast lamb. Have you actually read the Bible?

Wow, you got a lot of that right!
Some fine points:

God does indeed want to have creatures who choose Him of their own free will. But that implies that some of them are free to choose otherwise. So this world is a place where mere creatures with the potential to become God's children get to choose whether they want to become God's children.

He came to His own, and His own did not receive Him. But to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God — children born not of blood, nor will of the flesh, nor will of man, but born of God.… John 1:11-13

Of course, Jesus is also the King of Kings and Owner of all Creation. Those titles imply order and hierarchy, not anarchy. God wants loyal, faithful children who he can trust to serve in His government over all creation. Rebels need not apply.

"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!' -- Matthew 25:23

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