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RE: Capitalism: A dirty word for freedom

in #anarchy7 years ago

Historical citation of this general declaration?
There was no significant regional, and certainly no continental market in Eurasia, Norther Asia, or Europe after the Roman Empire until Genghis Khan, the Moghul/Mughul invasions effecting through the southern Indian continent what Khan did not reach much the same uniting of much smaller markets; how about Africa- certainly the European invasions repeated what earlier empires had in expanding markets, even if the "trade" was mainly just pillage and rapine. South America I don't know much about, but North America had very large civilizations that mostly died out by the time of our own invasions- and the French and Dutch didn't come with great military power, but they also had far more "local" effects than the English and Spanish had, but similar- what were small markets expanded, because there was more trade than had been for quite a few generations, and the larger markets that were still there were linked much more again (making the British and Spanish very, very rich, and even some Native tribes prospered somewhat). There was NO functional large scale society (the Native "nations" (some) confederated to some extent, but you can't even call them regional), no large-scale economy (that we have any records for, but there's enough anecdotal history to approximate a lot existed). The economies didn't come from Native peoples (although they contributed greatly), the invaders brought them along with the governments they imposed/were subject to, to the greater extent- not as much in PA and just a few other places.
You're continuing to argue theoretically, I'm trying to illustrate how cause-and-effect is usually chimeric. Government (monarchially-based and -descended) as an institution IS the source of "property rights" historically, because everything in the world belonged to King and Church (according to dogma), and everything was "granted" by their largesse- individual property rights are a VERY new-fangled notion in millenia-old cultures, and we're still ill-equipped to make GOOD sense of the concept


Otherwise we wouldn't laud the multi-nationals for doing with impunity what we'll scream bloody murder about a foreign government doing when it conflicts with business interests popular with "our side".

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