Wherein He Tells of His Journey To Anarchy

in #anarchy8 years ago

Hi everyone, my name is Cameron and I’m an anarchist from Sydney, Australia. I work six days a week as a General Assistant at a high school in the southwestern suburbs of Sydney, a job which I happen to love fortunately, as it helps me to cope with the idea that I need to work six days out of seven just to survive in this system the state has created and nurtured. When I’m not at work I am spending time with my family, reading (about anarchy, voluntaryism, agorism and science mostly) and posting to my three pages on Facebook – Truth and Anarchy, Do You Even Anarchy, Bro? and I Fucking Love H.L Mencken.

In my first real post on Steemit (I posted an introduce yourself the day I joined but I didn’t really know what I was doing ) I want to explain how I came to find out I was an anarchist, and what I learned along the way. Excuse the writing style – I actually much prefer to proof and edit other people’s work than try and write my own.

Some time around four or so years ago I was in the work truck with my concreting colleagues on the way home from a fairly big day building shit. I was on the longnecks and enjoying a few cigarettes and listening to the umpteenth conversation about chemtrails and aliens and Alex Jones, but instead of just nodding and smiling politely like usual I resolved right there to do a bit of ‘research’ myself and see what these blokes were on about. This decision proved to be both a good and a bad thing. In the short to medium term I went so far down the rabbit hole that I can now scarcely believe some of the bullshit that issued forth from my mouth. Skull and Bones, Illuminati, reptilian overlords, flat Earth, hollow Earth, anti-vax, faked moon landing, elite occultist rituals, you name it I probably had a look at it and possibly believed it at some point.

Part of any good conspiracy theorist’s arsenal is of course the False Flag, and it was via some fair dinkum false flags (Gulf of Tonkin, Operation Gladio) that I started to realise that the one problem at the centre of everything I knew or thought I knew was the government, or the state. I started to absorb loads of libertarian literature advocating minimal government and I was listening to the likes of Adam Kokesh, but the more I heard the more I realised that no government was likely to become self-limiting. No human who wants to become a politician is actually interested in reducing government, apart from maybe Ron Paul. You know that saying ‘What’s the difference between a libertarian and an anarchist? About six months.’? That described me almost to the day. The idea that we could trust a government to perform a few functions while leaving the people and the market free to look after everything else just didn’t make sense. So I finally worked out that I was an anarchist (without hyphens at this point) and I was completely at peace with it.

I got this tattoo on my back before I actually knew I was an anarchist. Or maybe I knew all along....

Pre-anarchy I was a raging leftie minimum wage-advocating socialist and further left than even the Australian Green Party. Once I understood how economics actually works that quickly changed though. I also remembered how science worked too, and started to drop all the conspiracy stuff from my page (Truth and Anarchy was my only page at the time.) Don’t get me wrong, the state is evil and should be crushed, but a lot of the conspiracy stuff that anarchists push is pure bollocks. The anti-science stance of the anarchist movement also troubles me, but that is the subject of future articles. I hope to share many more articles with you and I hope these lead to many discussions about a post-political world populated by people who aren't afraid to be free.

Thanks for taking the time to read this. You're awesome.

Cameron is an anarchist, peaceful parent and melanoma survivor from Sydney, Australia. He hasn't worked out how to centre images yet but is a quick study and will no doubt pick it up soon.


I am new to this anarchy stuff. I really want to look into it because it just feels to me that we have to get this right or else us humans will keep building bigger and better clubs to hit each other with which will be the death of everyone.

How do you feel about being there in Sydney with Aus having the biggest housing bubble in the world at present? It could get pretty real pretty fast down there. The Aus Gov is making banks raise liquidity in case of another crisis. Also there is a site which as a whole lot of information on the bail ins for Aus.


It's a big read but worth it.

Hi Ho!

Welcome to a haven for those found the paths away from the beastings.
Encouragement here can be a bit sparse but the minds do exist who will pitch in.

Hi Cameron, welcome to Steemit. I grew up in the Hunter Valley but I decided to quit Australia a couple of years ago and come to Mexico. Life is a little easier for an anarchist, living in a country where almost nobody trusts the government. Are you thinking of coming to Anarchapulco next year?

I would love to attend but it is probably a couple of years before I can do so.

Great story bud. do you have a connection with the cryptocurrency.? People from all walks are on here.

Thanks. I was hitherto aware of cryptocurrency but not totally au fait with it. In the last couple of weeks I have become the proud holder of Bitcoin and Steem and am bringing myself up to speed on the technology.

How did you transition from Socialism to Anarchy? This is the hardest, from what I observed in my life. Hard core socialists will ignore any logical arguments and go out in flames before accepting this.

Once I realised nearly everything I had ever been taught was a lie, it was easy (relatively, lol) to rewire my brain to finding the 'truth', and the truth is that man should neither rule nor be ruled and that he alone is responsible for his own actions.


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