Asymmetrical Law

in #anarchy8 years ago

I am not opposed to all law, I am opposed to asymmetrical law.  Asymmetrical law undermines the balance of power: to maintain balance, the same principles and standards of behavior must be applied to all people.  Tolerating and even supporting the imposition of laws arbitrarily crafted to benefit some at the expense of others, rather than laws derived from consistent principles for the purpose of peaceful conflict resolution creates an unstable and unsustainable society.  When some attempt to benefit from such laws, others follow with their own contradictory laws and there can be no consensus.

A law is just a recognized social standard considered to be legitimately enforceable.  The benefit of mutually recognized laws over violent resolution of individual conflicts is that violence is inherently destructive and leaves all parties collectively worse off.  The more balanced the law is, the better its chances of maintained consensus long term without regression into violence.  The laws I do support are based on property ownership, beginning with every individual's self-ownership and the right to self-defense if attacked.  From there, the right to exclusive control is extended to the first user of any scarce good, until that resource is voluntarily transferred or abandoned.  These basic principles are easily understood, and serve as a sufficient basis for extensive collaboration and creation of wealth in a society.  Without simple derivation from easily understood principles, a system of law is unlikely to maintain consensus.

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