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RE: A Friendly Message to the Steemit Anarchist Community

in #anarchy8 years ago

The missing point in everything is the fact that no matter the belief...... everyone is being played by all governments.... everywhere around the world. That's why the establishment in the US is putting up such a fight. All the belief systems are being played so that everyone fights against everyone..... Destabilize the world, implosion, excuse for a new system that's worse than the one now.


I don't think that implosion would be pretty. Odds are high that the enormous vacuums that are created would be quickly filled by the most violent, manipulative, sociopathic individuals that survive the meat-grind to the top of their food chain.

Sorry. I have children and a wife. I would prefer not to live in that world if I don't have to, and I would prefer people think through the logical progression of the strategies they espouse.

I'm in the same position as you with a wife and daughter, always thinking things through, what could possibly happen? I always end up looking at history and the human mass psychology. The cycle always repeats.... just rolling with the punches at the moment..... but good always prevails in the end and things will sort out, just going to be a pain in the ass until then.

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